NS-"Euthanasie" und lokaler Krankenmord in Oldenburg, Klingenmünster und Sachsen
Arbeitskreis zur Erforschung der nationalsozialistischen "Euthanasie" und Zwangssterilisation |
Band 6 der "Berichte des Arbeitskreises" dokumentiert die Herbsttagung 2009 in Wehnen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren thematisieren die NS-"Euthanasie" in Oldenburg und Bremen, in Sachsen und der Pfalz. … |
OL11076473W |
Debate sobre la eutanasia
Carla Fibla |
344 p. ; 23 cm |
OL12619120W |
Death and dying
Sandra M. Alters |
Examines how Americans deal with death, with a particular focus on the highly charged political and moral issues of living wills, life-sustaining treatments, end-of-life care funding, and physician a… |
OL17893017W |
Knocking on heaven's door
Katy Butler |
"An exquisitely written, expertly reported memoir and expose; of modern medicine that leads the way to more humane, less invasive end-of-life care based on the author's acclaimed New York Times Magaz… |
OL18168823W |
The chosen ones
Steve Sem-Sandberg |
"The Am Spiegelgrund clinic, in glittering Vienna, masqueraded as a well-intentioned reform school for wayward boys and girls and a home for chronically ill children. The reality, however, was very d… |
OL20033706W |
Last bus to Coffeeville
J. Paul Henderson |
Nancy Skidmore has Alzheimer's and Eugene Chaney III has once more a purpose in life - to end hers. When the moment for Gene to take Nancy to her desired death in Coffeeville arrives she is unexpecte… |
OL20913704W |
Verlegt - dann vergast, vergiftet, verhungert
Norbert Aas |
Jahrzehntelang herrschte der Mythos vor, dass Bayreuth von der "Euthanasie" genannten Ermordung der psychisch oder geistig Kranken nicht betroffen war. Tatsächlich aber hing die Auflösung der Heil- u… |
OL2223864W |
Julie Garwood |
Attorney Theo Buchanan-brother of seasoned FBI agent Nick Buchanan, the hero of HEARTBREAKER-is in New Orleans to receive an award for his work with the Department of Justice. When he becomes unexpec… |
OL26953W |
Euthanasia and assisted suicide
Lisa Firth |
Euthanasia - compassionately-motivated killing - is illegal in the UK, but that does not necessarily make it unethical. Those in favour of euthanasia argue that it allows the terminally ill to die wi… |
OL27974035W |
Sunni Bloyd |
Boring But Yet Informative |
OL3739964W |
Murder of mercy
Stanley M. Rosenblatt |
Patricia Rosier died in her home in Fort Myers, Florida. She sought the help of her prominent physician husband, Peter, to end her cancer-ravaged life with some measure of dignity. Within months of h… |
OL4298264W |
The Nazi Conscience
Claudia Koonz |
The Nazi conscience is not an oxymoron. In fact, the perpetrators of genocide had a powerful sense of right and wrong, based on civic values that exalted the moral righteousness of the ethnic communi… |
OL5265263W |
Merciful Release
Nick Kemp |
A history of the movement to legalise euthanasia/assisted dying in Britain. |
OL8774628W |