Absolute Honesty
Larry Johnson |
WorldCom. Enron. Tyco. Shocking accusations of dishonesty and silent complicity have dominated headlines recently, and cost the American economy trillions of dollars. Clearly, dishonesty doesn't pay.… |
OL15181626W |
The soul of capitalism
William Greider |
Lists recent events that identify serious flaws in American capitalism, noting the price of affluence on families and the environment, calling for a realignment of power, and sharing examples of bene… |
OL16063908W |
Assessing and managing risk in psychological practice
Bruce E. Bennett |
"This book is divided into three sections. In Section 1, we explain the types of professional risks, the disciplining processes of licensing boards and other disciplinary bodies, and basic informatio… |
OL18027041W |
The Nazi doctors and the Nuremberg Code
George J. Annas,Michael A. Grodin |
Completely unable to access the book a second time I wanted to continue. Third mult times with no success. Attention needs to be given because on line access has become impossible for me. Was very in… |
OL19215274W |
Ethics after the Holocaust
John K. Roth |
The contributors to this book investigate Morality's failures during the Holocaust and raise questions about ethics afterwards. |
OL20626627W |
Charles Thorpe |
At a time when the Manhattan Project was synonymous with large-scale science, physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904–67) represented the new sociocultural power of the American intellectual. Catapulte… |
OL235743W |
Leven in de dodencel
Richard Michael Rossi |
Relaas van een ter dood veroordeelde in afwachting van zijn executie in een gevangenis in Arizona. |
OL26181392W |