
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Les chemins secrets de la liberté Les chemins secrets de la liberté Barbara Smucker Julilly, Lisa et deux autres jeunes Noirs s'enfuient de la plantation Ross. Ils entreprennent une longue et périlleuse marche vers le Canada la terre promise. Aidés par les abolitionnistes, ils échap… OL11679260W
Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman Terry Barber Harriet Tubman was born into slavery around 1822. Between 1850 to 1860, Harriet helped about 70 slaves escape to freedom. She relied on the Underground Railroad, a secret network of people and safe h… OL12760691W
Uncle Tom's Cabin Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe This unforgettable novel tells the story of Tom, a devoutly Christian slave who chooses not to escape bondage for fear of embarrassing his master. However, he is soon sold to a slave trader and sent … OL152161W
Habibi Habibi Craig Thompson,Craig Thompson Sprawling across an epic landscape of deserts, harems, and modern industrial clutter, Habibi tells the tale of Dodola and Zam, refugee child slaves bound to each other by chance, by circumstance, and… OL16484573W
Shaping the New World Shaping the New World Eric Guest Nellis Between 1500 and the middle of the nineteenth century, some 12.5 million slaves were sent as bonded labour from Africa to the European settlements in the Americas. Shaping the New World introduces st… OL19665712W
Slavery and social death Slavery and social death Orlando Patterson,Orlando Patterson In a work of prodigious scholarship and enormous breadth, which draws on the tribal, ancient, premodern, and modern worlds, Orlando Patterson discusses the internal dynamics of slavery in sixty-six s… OL1990170W
Twelve Years a Slave Twelve Years a Slave Solomon Northup The true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man living in New York.who was kidnapped by slave hunters and sold into slavery where he endured degradation and abuse until his rescue twelve years la… OL20248285W
Pour l'amour de Vanille Pour l'amour de Vanille Christian Grenier Sur l'île de la Réunion, Edmond est un jeune esclave attaché à une plantation de canne à sucre. Amoureux de Vanille, la fille du propriétaire du domaine, il rêve d'accomplir un exploit : percer le se… OL24439014W
Les prisonniers du vent Les prisonniers du vent Romain Bally-Kenguet Sokpe Le jeune lieutenant de la marine française René-Louis de Coatarzel, après avoir navigué en Orient pour la Compagnie des Indes, espère faire rapidement fortune en acceptant de s'embarquer à bord du ##… OL24712590W
Spartacus Spartacus Yann Le Bohec Spartacus est né d'une famille libre, au Ier siècle avant J.-C. (vers 93), dans la province de Thrace, province de culture grecque conquise par Rome. Très jeune, victime d'une razzia, il fut vendu co… OL27741088W
The slave dancer The slave dancer Paula Fox For use in teaching literature to high school students. Kidnapped by the crew of an Africa-bound ship, a thirteen-year-old boy discovers to his horror that he is on a slave ship and that his job is … OL27957909W
A complicated legacy A complicated legacy Robert H. Stucky If movies and books like Belle, Twelve Years a Slave, The Butler, The Help, A Time to Kill, and Amistad have moved you, you'll love A Complicated Legacy, a novel by Baltimore writer Robert H. Stucky … OL28758736W
Plus jamais esclaves! Plus jamais esclaves! Aline Helg La 4e de couv. indique : "Longtemps, l'émancipation des esclaves fut considérée comme l'oeuvre des abolitionnistes, libéraux et blancs. Dans cet ouvrage, qui fait pour la première fois le grand récit… OL28960924W
The Known World The Known World Antonio Fernandez Lera,Edward P. Jones E-Book exclusive extras: "Inside The Known World: An Interview with Edward P. Jones"; Reading Group GuideHenry Townsend, a black farmer, bootmaker, and former slave, has a fondness for Paradise Lost … OL4112932W
Harriet Jacobs Harriet Jacobs Jean Fagan Yellin Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl remains the most-read woman's slave narrative of all time. Jean Fagan Yellin recounts the experiences that shaped Incidents-the years Jacobs spe… OL4473343W
The slave trade The slave trade Anne Mountfield Traces the people, events, and procedures involved in the rise and fall of the slave trade, the "profitable industry" that lasted some 250 years. OL4970171W
A Mercy A Mercy Toni Morrison,Jordi Fibla Feito A powerful tragedy distilled into a jewel of a masterpiece by the Nobel Prize--winning author of Beloved and, almost like a prelude to that story, set two centuries earlier.In the 1680s the slave tra… OL50560W
Narrative of William W. Brown Narrative of William W. Brown William Wells Brown Narrative of the author's experiences as a slave in St. Louis and elsewhere. OL515590W
Transformations in slavery Transformations in slavery Paul E. Lovejoy "This history of African slavery from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries examines how indigenous African slavery developed within an international context. The new edition revises statist… OL53556W
To tell a free story To tell a free story William L. Andrews Discusses the writings of Richard Allen, Solomon Bayley, Henry Bibb, Henry Box Brown, John Brown, Leonard Black, William Wells Brown, Lewis Clarke, William Craft, Frederick Douglass, Martin R. Delany… OL5478583W
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