Planning for effective faculty development
Patricia A. Lawler,Kathleen P. King |
Views faculty as adult learners and faculty development programs and initiatives as adult education. Introduces concepts of adult learning and program development in adult education and sets forth a … |
OL20623928W |
Building your portfolio
Margaret Watson |
Providing practical and clear advice on producing a successful portfolio, this guide is packed with examples, useful hints and tips, templates, case studies and personal contributions from successful… |
OL20979337W |
Practical teaching
Linda Wilson |
Directly mapped to City & Guilds qualifications, this is a handbook for students teachers on the PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) and DTLLS (Diploma of Teaching in the Lifel… |
OL21716539W |
Environmental adult education
Darlene E. Clover |
"This volume of New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education situates environmental adult education in a sociopolitical and eco-epistemological framework, explores how new language and metaphors… |
OL24685316W |
A Handbook for Adjunct/Part-time Faculty and Teachers of Adults, 7th Edition
Donald Greive |
A professional development handbook used by colleges and universities throughout North America in their faculty orientation and teaching programs. The book's target audience is faculty off the tenure… |
OL4491310W |
The Mentor's Guide
Lois J. Zachary |
Thoughtful and rich with advice, The Mentor's Guide explores the critical process of mentoring and presents practical tools for facilitating the experience from beginning to end. Now managers, teache… |
OL8574458W |