Earth science and applications from space
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Earth Science and Applications from Space. |
xxiii, 428 pages : 28 cm |
OL11674632W |
Integrating multiscale observations of U.S. waters
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Integrated Observations for Hydrologic and Related Sciences. |
"Water is essential to life for humans and their food crops, and for ecosystems. Effective water management requires tracking the inflow, outflow, quantity and quality of ground-water and surface wat… |
OL12000639W |
Ecology of Industrial Pollution
Lesley C Batty |
Written for researchers and practitioners in environmental pollution, management and ecology, this interdisciplinary account explores the ecological issues associated with industrial pollution to pro… |
OL15179999W |
Joseph V. Bonventre,Vishal S. Vaidya |
"This book provides an introduction to the field of biomarkers, how they have been and can be used, and how different approaches can be used to identify, characterize, and monitor biomarkers. The boo… |
OL15507151W |
Vital signs 2007-2008
Worldwatch Institute |
Discusses trends in food and agriculture, energy, the atmosphere, the economy, transporation, health and society, the military, and the environment. |
OL16027122W |
Remote sensing and actuation using networked unmanned vehicles
Haiyang Chao |
"Unmanned systems and robotics technologies have become very popular recently owing to their ability to replace human beings in dangerous, tedious, or repetitious jobs. This book fill the gap in the … |
OL16557891W |
Ten commitments
David Lindenmayer |
"In Ten Commitments, leading environmental thinkers in Australia have written provocative chapters on environmental issues facing the country. It is organised into three sections: by ecosystem (deser… |
OL18353411W |
Vital signs 2005
Lisa Mastny |
From shrinking forests to rising prosperity in China, "Vital Signs 2005" documents the trends that are shaping our future in concise analyses and clear tables and graphs. |
OL18523626W |
Quality assurance in environmental monitoring
Ganapathy Subramanian |
xvi, 334 p. : 25 cm |
OL18927665W |
The United Kingdom Environmental Change Network
J. M. Sykes |
219 p. : 21 cm |
OL19464198W |
Scope of work to perform interim environmental studies on Tract C-a for Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project
NUS Corporation |
"This scope of work reflects the effort proposed by NUS Corporation to perform interim environmental baseline studies and revision of the [Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project]℗RBOSP detailed development pla… |
OL20216380W |
Prototype oil shale leasing program management report, 1974-1979
Geological Survey (U.S.). Area Oil Shale Supervisor's Office |
"This management report has been prepared for the information needs of the public and the Secretary of the Interior under the authority contained in the Code of Federal Regulations, 30 CFR 231.3 (c)(… |
OL20635554W |
1979 C.B. annual report
Cathedral Bluffs Shale Oil Company |
This report summarizes the development activities, costs, and environmental monitoring that took place on the Federal Oil Shale Lease Tract C-b℗between℗January 1 and December 31, 1979.℗Located in Rio… |
OL20636924W |
Progress report 6, December 1975 through February 1976
Wright Water Engineers |
"The purpose of the surface and subsurface Hydrologic Program conducted by Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project [RBOSP] is to establish baseline hydrologic environments, to collect data for mine dewatering d… |
OL20652196W |
C-a Progress Report 2
Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project |
As part of their agreement to lease Colorado Oil Shale Lease Tract C-a, Gulf Oil Corporation and Standard Oil Company (Indiana) were required to design environmental monitoring programs. Programs wer… |
OL21081299W |
Quarterly report March-May 1975 for Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project
Thomas M. Ivory |
"The Aquatic Baseline Data Accumulation Program is designed to incorporate the environmental studies described in the Federal Register, Volume 39, Number 230, Part 3, Oil Shale Lease Environmental St… |
OL21129851W |
Progress report 5, September, October, November 1975
Wright Water Engineers |
"The purpose of the surface and subsurface Hydrologic Program conducted by Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project [RBOSP] is to establish baseline hydrologic environments, to collect data for mine dewatering d… |
OL21130149W |
Third quarterly data report for the terrestrial baseline data accumulation program
Ecology Consultants, inc |
"This report presents and summarizes terrestrial baseline data for the Third Quarterly Report on Tract C-a. Its purpose is to transmit information gathered during the period March through May, 1975. … |
OL21162490W |
Statistical methods for detection and quantification of environmental contamination
Robert D. Gibbons,David D. Coleman |
"An indispensable handbook for scientists and engineers involved in environmental monitoring programs, this book is also an important resource for public health officials, waste facility managers, re… |
OL23743281W |
Vital signs 2009
Worldwatch Institute |
"Vital Signs 2009 includes 25 trends in one convenient reference guide. Covers pressing trends in energy, agriculture, transportation, climate, health, the economy, population, and other areas to inf… |
OL24306748W |