Wiki Writing
Matthew Barton |
When most people think of wikis, the first-and usually the only-thing that comes to mind is Wikipedia. The editors of Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom, Robert E. Cummings… |
OL15191359W |
Rethinking academic writing pedagogy for the European university
Ruth Breeze |
All over Europe, universities are moving over to English as the language of instruction. This development has been accelerated by global forces, and its pedagogical consequences have yet to be fully … |
OL17293569W |
ESL writers
Bennett A. Rafoth,Shanti Bruce |
xii, 242 p. ; 23 cm |
OL18582552W |
Creating writers
Carter, James |
This unique and comprehensive text offers an original approach to teaching creative writing by exploring ideas, giving advice, and explaining workshop activities and has many contributors from some o… |
OL221572W |
The politics of remediation
Mary Soliday |
"The Politics of Remediation examines the history and politics of remediation in higher education, and calls into question traditional notions of remedial instruction. Soliday traces the history of r… |
OL5952195W |