20+ results foundTitle | Authors | Description | OpenBook ID | |
Western Influence on Marathi Drama | Anand Patil | Study of the influences on drama and theatre; cover the period, 1818-1947. | OL1056868W | |
Arms and the Man | George Bernard Shaw | Arms and the Man was George Bernard Shaw's first commercially successful play. It is a comedy about idealized love versus true love. A young Serbian woman idealizes her war-hero fiance and thinks the… | OL1066525W | |
Plays (As You Like It / Hamlet / Merchant of Venice / Taming of the Shrew / Tempest) | William Shakespeare | Contains: - As You Like It - [Hamlet]( - Merchant of Venice - Taming of the Shrew - [Tempest]( | OL13086460W | |
Plays (Cymbeline / Pericles / Tempest / Winter's Tale) | William Shakespeare | Contains: - Cymbeline - Pericles - [Tempest]( - Winter's Tale | OL14915765W | |
Plays (Hamlet / Macbeth / Merchant of Venice / Twelfth Night) | William Shakespeare | Contains: - [Hamlet]( - Macbeth - Merchant of Venice - Twelfth Night | OL14915838W | |
Plays (Julius Caesar / Macbeth / Othello) | William Shakespeare | Contains: Julius Caesar Macbeth Othello | OL14916455W | |
Plays (Measure for Measure / Merry Wives of Windsor / Tempest / Twelfth Night / Two Gentlemen of Ve… | William Shakespeare | Contains: - Measure for Measure - Merry Wives of Windsor - [Tempest]( - Twelfth Night - Two Gentlemen of Verona | OL15203728W | |
Les jaloux (Much Ado About Nothing / Troilus and Cressida / Winter's Tale) | William Shakespeare | Contains: [Much Ado About Nothing]( Troilus and Cressida Winter's Tale | OL15892062W | |
Supernatural environments in Shakespeare's England | Kristen Poole | "Bringing together recent scholarship on religion and the spatial imagination, Kristen Poole examines how changing religious beliefs and transforming conceptions of space were mutually informative in… | OL16211913W | |
The Indian stage | Hemendra Nath Das Gupta | Early Bengali and English drama, theater and theaters. | OL1626216W | |
The Works of William Shakespeare in Sixteen Volumes. Volume Two (Comedy of Errors / Love's Labour's… | William Shakespeare | Contains: - Comedy of Errors - Love's Labour's Lost - [Much Ado About Nothing]( | OL16280711W | |
Il Testo Teatrale Nel Cinema | Alfredo Venanzi | Spesso il cinema si è ispirato a Shakespeare: lo testimonia il fatto che i numerosi protagonisti delle sue tragedie e commedie hanno fornito lo spunto per rivisitazioni cinematografiche, tra le quali… | OL16621379W | |
Comedies (Comedy of Errors / Measure for Measure / Merry Wives of Windsor / Midsummer Night's Dream… | William Shakespeare | Contains: Comedy of Errors Measure for Measure Merry Wives of Windsor Midsummer Night's Dream [Much Ado About Nothing]( [Tempest](… | OL17108013W | |
Harold Bloom's Shakespeare | Robert Sawyer,Christy Desmet | "Harold Bloom is one of the most influential and controversial of contemporary Shakespeare critics. These essays examine the sources and impact of Bloom's Shakespearean criticism from a variety of th… | OL18222555W | |
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces | Victor Hugo,Sophocles,Heinrich Heine,Charles Baudelaire,Colette,Albert Camus,Blaise Pascal,Πλάτων,Pak, Tu-jin,Henrik Ibsen,Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Isak Dinesen,Pär Lagerkvist,Buson Yosa,Yehuda Amichai,Wang, Wei,Rabindranath Tagore,Tu Fu,Tsurayuki Ki,Όμηρος,Ovid,Jorge Luis Borges,Антон Павлович Чехов,Giovanni Boccaccio,Александр Исаевич Солженицын,Thomas Mann,Niccolò Machiavelli,François Villon,Jonathan Swift,川端康成,William Wordsworth,Chrétien de Troyes,Николай Васильевич Гоголь,Julio Cortázar,Heinrich Böll,Burton Beers,Lev Nikolaevič Tolstoy,Doris Lessing,Günter Grass,Po Chu-i,Dante Alighieri,Guy de Maupassant,Stanisław Lem,Jean de La Fontaine,Yoshida Kenko,Federico García Lorca,Derek Walcott,Luigi Pirandello,Franz Kafka,Christopher Marlowe,Lao-Tze,Bessie Head,Confucius,Boris Leonidovich Pasternak,Gabriela Mistral,Marie de France,Paul Valéry,Italo Calvino,Ōgai Mōri,Czesław Miłosz,Arthur Rimbaud,Gabriel García Márquez,Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin,Ch'ien T'ao,Najib Mahfouz,Toshiyori Minamoto,Margaret Atwood,Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko,Rasipuram Krishnaswamy Narayan,Kobayashi, Hideo,Komachi Ono,Octavio Paz,Pierre de Ronsard,Manuel Rojas,Wole Soyinka,Rainer Maria Rilke,John Milton,Primo Levi,Lu Hsun,Sei Shōnagon,Rubén Darío,Hitomaro Kakinomoto,Pablo Neruda,Anna Ahkmatova,Basho,To Li Chien,Pliny,Li Po,Nguyen Thi Vinh,Virgil,Andrei Vosnesensky,Omar Khayyam,William Shakespeare | 9-10th grade | OL18460630W | |
Duo! | Joyce E. Henry,Bob Shuman | The scenes contained in this volume are presented exactly as written by the playwrights, with no internal deletions. The introductions to each follow the headings "Characters," "Scene," and "Time"; t… | OL18661715W | |
Amphitrite the bubbly | Joan Holub,Suzanne Williams | When a mermaid named Amphitrite arrives at Mount Olympus Academy, she finds herself falling for Poseidon, but his quirks may be too much for her. | OL20007383W | |
Plays (Antony and Cleopatra / Coriolanus / Cymbeline / Hamlet / Julius Caesar / King Lear / Lover's… | William Shakespeare | Contains: Antony and Cleopatra Coriolanus Cymbeline [Hamlet]( Julius Caesar King Lear Lover's Complaint Macbeth Othello Passionate Pilgrim … | OL20104703W | |
The Comedies of William Shakespeare. Volume I (As You Like It / Comedy of Errors / Much Ado About N… | William Shakespeare | Contains: As You Like It Comedy of Errors [Much Ado About Nothing]( [Tempest]( | OL20113977W | |
Shakspeare's Dramatic Works in Eight Volumes. Volume II (Love's Labour's Lost / Measure for Measure… | William Shakespeare | Contains: Love's Labour's Lost Measure for Measure Midsummer Night's Dream [Much Ado About Nothing]( Twelfth Night | OL20116246W |