The pleasure center
Morten L. Kringelbach |
"Many people believe that pleasure and desire are obstacles to reasonable and intelligent behavior. In The Pleasure Center, Morten Kringelbach reveals that what we desire, what pleases us - in fact, … |
OL12922170W |
Imagination and the meaningful brain
Arnold H. Modell |
"The ultimate goal of the cognitive sciences is to understand how the brain works - how it turns "matter into imagination." In Imagination and the Meaningful Brain, psychoanalyst Arnold Modell claims… |
OL13607543W |
Metaphor and Emotion
Zoltan Kovecses |
This book challenges the simplistic division between the body and culture by showing how human emotions are to a large extent 'constructed' from individuals' embodied experiences in different cultura… |
OL15172764W |
Creating a sense of presence in online teaching
Rosemary M. Lehman |
"How can faculty create a strong E presence for their online classes? This volume highlights the need for creating a presence in the online environment. The authors explore the emotional, psychologic… |
OL16095169W |
Emotion-oriented systems
Catherine Pelachaud |
"The Affective Computing domain, term coined by Rosalind Picard in 1997, gathers several scientific areas such as computer science, cognitive science, psychology, design and art. The humane-machine i… |
OL16175975W |
Cognitive and emotional processes in web-based education
Panagiotis Germanakos |
"This book presents theories and practical frameworks to assist educators and trainers in developing e-learning applications"--Provided by publisher. |
OL16927252W |
Emotional Design
Donald A. Norman |
"Did you ever wonder why cheap wine tastes better in fancy glasses? Or why washing and polishing your car seems to make it drive better? New research has shown that attractive things really do work b… |
OL1879160W |
Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll
Zoe Cormier |
From tortoiseshell condoms to superstar athletes on hallucinogens, these burning questions are explored and dissected, mixed with insights from some of the world's bravest, cleverest and downright we… |
OL19999319W |
How Emotions Are Made
Lisa Feldman Barrett |
The science of emotion is in the midst of a revolution on par with the discovery of relativity in physics and natural selection in biology. Leading the charge is psychologist and neuroscientist Lisa … |
OL20216664W |
Emotions simplified
Karamanovski, Emina MD |
Wish you had the power to change the way you feel? Have difficulty making or following through with your decisions? Wonder why your life isn't feeling the way you imagined it? If so, you're in the ri… |
OL24684632W |
Cessons de démotiver les élèves
D. Favre |
Cet ouvrage a pour but de permettre aux élèves de se remotiver pour l'apprentissage. Pour ce faire, il en propose la théorie, appuyée sur des notions neurobiologiques, et en illustre la mise en appli… |
OL28765321W |