Crying in the Middle Ages
Elina Gertsman |
"Sacred and profane, public and private, emotive and ritualistic, internal and embodied, medieval weeping served as a culturally charged prism for a host of social, visual, cognitive, and linguistic … |
OL16168292W |
Emotional minds
Sabrina Ebbersmeyer |
The thoroughly contemporary question of the relationship between emotion and reason was debated with such complexity by the philosophers of the 17th century that their concepts remain a source of ins… |
OL16704706W |
Die Klarheit der Gefu hle
Eva Weber-Guskar |
Review text: "Noch genauer bestimmt, ist das Buch fu r jene, welche die Thematik im Kontext praktischer Philosophie vertiefen wollen, von Bedeutung."Sebastian Kno pker in: pscho-logik 5/2010 "Verdien… |
OL16919444W |
Emotions and understanding
Michael McEachrane |
"Putting the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1891-1951) to work, contributors, address subjects ranging from philosophy to affective neuroscience to literary theory. Beyond being a source of inspi… |
OL16958970W |
Emotion and Imagination
Adam Morton |
In recent years have seen an enormous amount of philosophical research into the emotions and the imagination, but as yet little work has been done to connect the two. In this book, the author shows t… |
OL21514928W |
This book has feelings
Neil Scott |
The authors plunge you headfirst into the mysterious world of emotions, unearthing the what, how, and why of the way we feel, and introducing you to the psychologists and philosophers who explore thi… |
OL29257125W |