The talent show
Ellen Crimi-Trent |
As the Schoolies prepare for the talent show Chip practices his singing, but when he finally gets on stage, he has a severe case of stage fright. |
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Christine L'Heureux |
When Caillou sees a mother in a store getting angry at her daughter when the girl does not do as she is told, he gets scared until his mother explains that even when parents sometimes lose their temp… |
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Superhero therapy
Janina Scarlet |
A dynamic introduction to ACT acceptance and commitment therapy combines the talents of a Center for Stress and Anxiety Management therapist and a well-known Marvel and DC Comics artist to share out-… |
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When I'm sad
Moira Butterfield |
My Feelings is a beautifully expressive but playful series looking at the most common, everyday feelings that young children have but often don't know how to channel or express. The first-person acco… |
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I cry
Katie Marsico |
"Offers answers to questions about those salty tears. Explanations and appealing photos encourage readers to continue their quest for knowledge. Text features, including a glossary and an index, help… |
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Feeling angry
Joy Berry |
The LET'S TALK ABOUT books help children deal with the early childhood emotions and attitudes that can prevent them from becoming responsible." Joy Berry If not understood and handled properly, early… |
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Sarah Medina |
Part of the Read and Learn range, this series helps readers explore their emotions - what they are, how to recognize them, and appropriate action to take when they have them. The clear text and colou… |
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Janet McDonnell |
Describes the feeling we call thankfulness and the things that can make us thankful. |
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I won't be afraid
Joan Hanson |
A young boy imagines how it will be when he's six and not afraid of the many fearsome things that bother him now. |
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What to Do When You Worry Too Much
Dawn Huebner |
Did you know that worries are like tomatoes? No, you can't eat them, but you can make them grow, simply by paying attention to them. If your worries have grown so big that they bother you almost ever… |
OL8980729W |