Denkanstöße zu einer anderen Geographie der Ökonomie
Christian Berndt |
Wissensökonomie, entgrenzte Netzwerkgesellschaft - im globalen Zeitalter hat sich die räumliche Organisation wirtschaftlicher Prozesse radikal gewandelt. In diesem Buch blicken renommierte Wirtschaft… |
OL23497535W |
The Plaid Avenger's western world special edition
Plaid Avenger |
"In the Plaid Avenger's world, we will strip off the shallow window dressing in which you have been trained to see the world. We will lay it bare to see what is really happening around the planet. We… |
OL24292247W |
Geographies of development
Robert B. Potter |
Taking an holistic approach to development geography, rather than dealing with topics such as agriculture, trade and aid separately, this text considers pressing issues like sustainable development. … |
OL24827956W |
Configuring the world
Richard T. Griffiths |
This book is a tool-box that allows you to take apart the world as you know it, examine its component parts and then to reassemble it in a more meaningful form. In other words, it allows you to confi… |
OL29257707W |
Uneven development
Neil Smith,Neil Smith,David Harvey |
See work: https://openlibrary.org/works/OL13413810W |
OL2974931W |