The beginning of the earth
Franklyn M. Branley |
Describes what may have happened when the earth began billions of years ago. |
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Coming to grips with Genesis
Terry Mortenson |
Fourteen scholars address key topics related to the age of the earth, which is the crucial issue of debate in the church regarding origins (i.e., most old-earth proponents, like young-earth creationi… |
OL15165259W |
The Earth
Rebecca Hunter |
From sound energy and the light spectrum to genetic coding and patterns of inheritance, topics in this series expand on the history of science in the 21st century and examine what they may hold for t… |
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Here on earth
Tim F. Flannery |
An explorer and environmentalist offers a natural history of the Earth as well as a biography of the human species. |
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From Eden To The New Jerusalem An Introduction To Biblical Theology
T. Desmond Alexander |
Why does the earth exist? What is the purpose of human life? The Bible -- a complex literary anthology -- answers life's most fundamental questions in its remarkably unified story, which centers on a… |
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Ask about the earth and the sky
Raintree Publishers Inc |
Questions and answers present information about the weather and things in the earth and sky. |
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Jay Apt |
"Orbit takes the reader into space for astronaut's views of home: Cape Cod arching into the Atlantic, Mount Everest casting its shadow over lesser peaks, the sands of the Sahara arrayed in endless pa… |
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The How and Why Wonder Book of
John A. Burton |
FOSSILS (the remains of extinct animals and plants) are found worldwide. From this non-fiction, How & Why book, you will learn about such things as the fact that coal is the remains of plants survive… |
OL7997481W |