Socializing the classroom
Susan B. Barnes |
"Socializing the Classroom: Social Networks and Online Learning, by Susan B. Barnes, examines how social media can be used in education through two research grants and real-world applications. Barnes… |
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Using social media effectively in the classroom
Kay Seo |
"The rapid expansion of blogs, Twitter, wikis, and virtual worlds has dramatically transformed the landscape of education. Through highly accessible networks, these new media can integrate students i… |
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Universal design for learning in the classroom
David H. Rose,Tracey E. Hall,Meyer, Anne Ed. D. |
"Clearly written and well organized, this book shows how to apply the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) across all subject areas and grade levels. The editors and contributors describ… |
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Reusing Online Resources
Allison Littlejohn,Chris Pegler |
To improve the cost effectiveness and sustainability of e-learning, many national and international initiatives are pioneering new ways in which educators can share their curricula with teachers and … |
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