Sustainable communities
Woodrow W. Clark |
"Written as a professional reference book and a case textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of disciplines, Sustainable Communities contains detailed case studies of c… |
OL16661792W |
Corporate environmental strategy and competitive advantage
Sanjay Sharma |
xvi, 318 p. : 24 cm |
OL16973877W |
Biodiversity, sustainability, and human communities
Timothy O'Riordan |
"Biodiversity is the key indicator of a healthy planet and healthy society. Losses of biodiversity have now become widespread and current rates are potentially catastrophic for species and habitat in… |
OL17886210W |
Compact cities
Rod Burgess,M. Jenks |
This new book examines and evaluates the merits and defects of compact city approaches in the context of developing countries. Issues of theory, policy and practice relating to sustainability of urba… |
OL19123058W |
The case against the global economy
Edward Goldsmith,Jerry Mander |
Includes sections on GATT, NAFTA, Free Trade, General Electric, and Wal mart. |
OL19668914W |
Sustainable development in OECD countries
Richard Herd |
This publication summarizes the lessons learned from the 30 country reviews of sustainable development that have been published since 2002 as part of OECD economic surveys. It also examines the conc… |
OL19820152W |
The economics of nature
G. Cornelis Van Kooten,E. H. Bulte |
This work takes a "portfolio management" perspective on the worldwide deterioration of the natural environment. The authors see the function of the book as the way to measure environmental services a… |
OL20902374W |
Sustainability indicators
Bell, Simon |
[This book] addresses the crucial issue of sustainability: how can it be measured. In contrast to the current trends in developing sustainability indicators, the authors discuss the advantages of tak… |
OL24854297W |
Een @nder soort geld
Helen Toxopeus |
Pleidooi over de eenzijdigheid van gangbare opvattingen over geld en de bancaire sector en voor een duurzaam alternatief. |
OL26183150W |
Dynamic urban design
Michael Von Hausen |
"For future human survival and quality of life, the world needs a more inclusive, rigorous, socially inspired, and comprehensive urban design model integrated with sustainable development. This book … |
OL27959391W |
Capitalism at the Crossroads
Stuart L. Hart |
Global capitalism stands at a crossroads—facing international terrorism, worldwide environmental change, and an accelerating backlash against globalization. Today's global companies are at a crossroa… |
OL5744466W |
End of time
Enzo Tiezzi |
"Twenty years ago many were realizing that the issues surrounding energy and the environment would present the defining challenges for a generation. The first edition of this book emphasised the need… |
OL599407W |
The essence of time
Enzo Tiezzi |
"In this book Enzo Tiezzi highlights the continuity between the physical-mathematic and humanistic sciences. He also urges us to reflect on the tempo of the modern era, and to contrast it with the br… |
OL599408W |