Pathologies of power
Paul Farmer |
Pathologies of Power uses harrowing stories of life--and death--in extreme situations to interrogate our understanding of human rights. Paul Farmer, a physician and anthropologist with twenty years o… |
OL15893773W |
Frontier justice
Andy Lamey |
Frontier Justice is a gripping exploration of the world-wide refugee crisis. Andy Lamey presents the story behind the radical increase in the global number of asylum-seekers, set within the historica… |
OL18186448W |
Manual on the wearing of religious symbols in public areas
Malcolm D. Evans |
This manual explores how the European Convention on Human Rights relates to the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. It identifies the key concepts which can be found in the jurisprudence of … |
OL18707519W |
Global energy governance in a multipolar world
Kirsten Westphal,Dries Lesage |
Multipolar governance permits a number of important states to have significantly more economic and political clout than others, but among them there is hardly any hierarchy. The new energy challenge,… |
OL18718986W |
The American language of rights
Richard A. Primus |
Richard A. Primus examines three crucial periods in American history (the late eighteenth century, the civil war and the 1950s and 1960s) in order to demonstrate how the conceptions of rights prevail… |
OL1976142W |
On antisemitism
Jewish Voice for Peace |
xv, 271 pages ; 23 cm |
OL20052068W |
The law of human rights
Richard Clayton,Hugh Tomlinson |
This practitioner text provides treatment of human rights law and practice in the UK, including detailed analysis of the impact of the incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights into do… |
OL20976999W |
Amnesty International Report 1992
Amnesty International |
311 pages : 24 cm |
OL2188970W |
Miniatlas of human security
World Bank |
"This at-a-glance guide to global security issues provides a wealth of information on armed conflicts since 1946. It maps political violence, the links between poverty and conflict, assaults on human… |
OL24174646W |
European human rights case locator 1960-2000
Barbara Mensah |
"The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates the European Convention of Human Rights. In interpreting Convention rights, the Act requires account to be taken of judgments and decisions of the European Cou… |
OL24825654W |
Transitional justice and economic, social and cultural rights
United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights |
"The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has explored in greater depth the ways in which transitional justice processes have addressed violations of economic, social and c… |
OL24922637W |
Seven Syrians
Diego Cupolo |
Seven Syrian refugees tell their stories of survival during the Syrian Conflict. |
OL28169533W |
Children and armed conflict
International Bureau for Children's Rights |
"The International Bureau for Children's Rights produced this Guide for the benefit of the communities of practice working on children and armed conflict."--Back cover. |
OL31212132W |
A beauty that hurts
W. George Lovell |
"Personal testimonial of the impact of the 1954-96 Guatemalan civil war, written by an historical geographer with years of research experience in the country. Beautifully written book focuses on the … |
OL3387142W |
The Human Rights Reader
Micheline Ishay |
The Second Edition of The Human Rights Reader presents a dramatically revised organization and updated selections, including pieces on globalization and the war on terrorism. Each part of the Reader … |
OL3502241W |
Constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights
Ian Loveland |
This title provides a unique, cross-disciplinary approach to the study of public law. Engaging, critical and stimulating, it enables the reader to gain a thorough and fundamental appreciation of the … |
OL3502796W |
Individual Rights Reconsidered
Tibor R. Machan |
"The essays in this volume reconsider the case of the basic tenets of the U.S. political tradition, outlined in the Declaration of Independence and expressed in much of the U.S. legal system. The aut… |
OL450172W |
Droits de l'homme et dialogue interculturel
Christoph Eberhard |
Prétendant à l'universalité, les droits de l'homme conçus par l'Occident n'en demeurent pas moins les fruits d'une époque, d'une culture, d'une société, indissociables aussi de l'émergence d'une nouv… |
OL4531296W |
Human rights
Brian Orend |
Publisher description: What are human rights? What justifies us in believing we have them? What are rights-holders and duty-bearers? Who should bear the costs and responsibilities for making human ri… |
OL5999664W |