Downsize This!
Michael Moore |
Downsize This! Random Threats from an Unarmed American is a book by American author and producer Michael Moore.
The book is a look at the state of business and industry in the United States and th… |
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First hired, last fired
Robert M. Bramson |
Internationally known business consultant and bestselling author Robert M. Bramson and his wife and partner, Susan J. Bramson, give you the inside track on how to become your company's most indispens… |
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Healing the downsized organization
Delorese Ambrose |
Healing the Downsized Organization is for managers and employees who must make sense of dramatically changed workplaces after reengineering, restructuring, or downsizing. Here are "best practices" fr… |
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Leading after a layoff
Ray Salemi |
Help your team survive the damaging effects of a layoffLearn how to keep the company running and profitable--and your team motivated and happyBeing laid off from a job can be devastating. The experie… |
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