
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
ELEMENTS OF DISTRIBUTION THEORY ELEMENTS OF DISTRIBUTION THEORY Thomas Alan Severini This detailed introduction to distribution theory is designed as a text for the probability portion of the first year statistical theory sequence for Master's and PhD students in statistics, biostati… OL13658988W
Random matrices, random processes and integrable systems Random matrices, random processes and integrable systems J. P. Harnad "Random matrices, random processes and integrable systems provides an in-depth examination of random matrices with applications over a vast variety of domains, including multivariate statistics, rand… OL16187326W
Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models Ludwig Fahrmeir,Gerhard Tutz "The authors give a detailed introductory survey of the subject based on the analysis of real data drawn from a variety of subjects, including the biological sciences, economics, and the social scien… OL18738882W
Abductive Reasoning and Learning Abductive Reasoning and Learning Dov M. Gabbay This book contains leading survey papers on the various aspects of Abduction, both logical and numerical approaches. Abduction is central to all areas of applied reasoning, including artificial intel… OL19823432W
Advanced Integration Theory Advanced Integration Theory Corneliu Constantinescu This book gives a general definition of the (abstract) integral, using the Daniell method. A most welcome consequence of this approach is the fact that integration theory on Hausdorff topological spa… OL19823955W
Advanced Topics in Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems Advanced Topics in Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems Eli Gershon Advanced Topics in Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems begins with an introduction and extensive literature survey. The text proceeds to cover solutions of measurement-feedba… OL19824071W
Advances in Finance and Stochastics Advances in Finance and Stochastics Klaus Sandmann In many areas of finance and stochastics, significant advances have been made since this field of research was opened by Black, Scholes and Merton in 1973. Advances in Finance and Stochastics contain… OL19824413W
Advances in Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis Advances in Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis Jacques Janssen Advances in Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis presents the most recent developments in the field, together with their applications, mainly in the areas of insurance, finance, forecasting and mar… OL19824809W
Advances in Superprocesses and Nonlinear PDEs Advances in Superprocesses and Nonlinear PDEs Janos Englander Sergei Kuznetsov is one of the top experts on measure valued branching processes (also known as “superprocesses”) and their connection to nonlinear partial differential operators. His research interes… OL19824823W
Computational Statistics Computational Statistics Yadolah Dodge The papers assembled in this book were presented at the biannual Symposium of the International Association for Statistical Computing in Neuchatel, Switzerland, in August of 1992. This congress maint… OL19836382W
Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications G. George Yin This is author-approved bcc which should be copy-edited: This book discusses continuous-time Markov chains and applications. Using a singular perturbation approach, it presents a systematic treatment… OL19837677W
Foundations of Queueing Theory Foundations of Queueing Theory N. U. Prabhu The order and presentation of Foundations of Queueing Theory is drawn from Professor Prabhu's extensive experience as a researcher, teacher, expositor, and editor. The book deals with the foundations… OL19851052W
Fractals in Graz 2001 Fractals in Graz 2001 Peter Grabner This book contains the proceedings of the conference "Fractals in Graz 2001 - Analysis, Dynamics, Geometry, Stochastics" that was held in June 2001 at Graz University of Technology, Styria, Austria. … OL19851134W
Fundamentals of Finslerian Diffusion with Applications Fundamentals of Finslerian Diffusion with Applications P. L. Antonelli This is the first text to be published on stochastic Finslerian geometry.The theory is rigorously presented and several applications in ecology, evolution and epidemiology are described. Amongst the … OL19851786W
Introduction to Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Analysis Introduction to Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Analysis Zhi-yuan Huang This book offers a concise introduction to the rapidly expanding field of infinite dimensional stochastic analysis. It treats Malliavin calculus and white noise analysis in a single book, presenting … OL19859028W
Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Functional Differential Equations Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Functional Differential Equations Leonid Shaikhet Stability conditions for functional differential equations can be obtained using Lyapunov functionals. Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Functional Differential Equations describes the… OL19884918W
Mathematical Models of Hysteresis Mathematical Models of Hysteresis I. D. Mayergoyz This book is concerned with Preisach type models of hysteresis. It is emphasized that these models are phenomenological in nature and, for this reason, they can be used for the mathematical descripti… OL19886310W
Maximum Entropy, Information Without Probability and Complex Fractals Maximum Entropy, Information Without Probability and Complex Fractals Guy Jumarie This book presents material on three topics, namely the amount of information involved in non-random functions, the amount of information involved in non-probabilistic square matrices (i.e. which are… OL19886821W
Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and Control Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and Control F. H. Clarke This book summarizes very recent developments - both applied and theoretical - in nonlinear and nonsmooth mathematics. The topics range from the highly theoretical (e.g. infinitesimal nonsmooth calcu… OL19891008W
Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Incomplete Information Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Incomplete Information Bo Shen <p><i>Nonlinear Stochastic Processes </i>addresses the frequently-encountered problem of incomplete information. The causes of this problem considered here include: missing measurements; sensor delay… OL19891149W
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