What Works for Whom?
David Cottrell |
"This book evaluates the evidence for the full range of widely used child and adolescent mental health treatments, providing vital knowledge to inform clinical decision making. Organized around the m… |
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Interpretive and supportive psychotherapies
Anthony S., Ph.D. Joyce,Hassan F. A. Azim,Mary McCallum,John S. Ogrodniczuk |
In this book, the authors offer a framework for making short-term psychodynamic therapy easier, quicker, and more effective. Short-term dynamic therapies differ widely in objectives and techniques. A… |
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What works for whom?
Peter Fonagy,Anthony Roth |
Meeting the growing demand for resources on evidence-based practice, this acclaimed work has now been fully revised and expanded with the latest treatment data. Like its predecessor, the second editi… |
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Essentials of Treatment Planning
Mark E. Maruish |
"Essentials of Treatment Planning presents a clear and concise approach to the development and use of treatment plans in behavioral health care settings. This nuts-and-bolts guide covers such essenti… |
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