Animal Minds
Donald R. Griffin |
"In Animal Minds, Donald R. Griffin takes us on a guided tour of the recent explosion of scientific research on animal mentality. Are animals consciously aware of anything, or are they merely living … |
OL1320056W |
Thinking with animals
Gregg Mitman,Lorraine Daston |
"As this innovative new collection demonstrates, humans use animals to transcend the confines of self and species; they also enlist them to symbolize, dramatize, and illuminate aspects of humans' exp… |
OL16969854W |
When elephants weep
J. Moussaieff Masson |
From dancing squirrels to bashful gorillas to spiteful killer whales, Masson and coauthor Susan McCarthy bring forth fascinating anecdotes and illuminating insights that offer powerful proof of the e… |
OL2619475W |
Bibi Dumon Tak |
Verhalen over dieren die wonen bij of op de Noordpool of Zuidpool, zoals de eland, ijsbeer of muskusos. Met illustraties in grijs- en blauwtinten. Vanaf ca. 9 t/m 12 jaar. |
OL26412004W |