The tyrant's novel
Thomas Keneally |
Thomas Keneally's literary achievements have been inspired by some of history's most intriguing events and characters, but in a rare reversal of time his brilliantly imagined new novel takes us into … |
OL103685W |
Shatter Me
Tahereh Mafi |
Juliette hasn't touched anyone in exactly 264 days. The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal. As long as… |
OL16014245W |
Para sentencia
Omar Prego |
"Esta novela examina los comportamientos humanos provocados por el clima de terror impuestos a los habitantes de una sociedad sometida a un régimen dictatorial. Es una obra bien lograda que conmueve… |
OL1754813W |
Taduno's song
Odafe Atogun |
"A stunning debut from a fresh Nigerian literary voice: a mesmerizing, deceptively simple, Kafkaesque narrative, resonant of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and lightly informed by the life of Niger… |
OL20049989W |
Dictatorship, fascism, and totalitarianism
Shalini Saxena |
This book examines the historical trajectory of dictatorship, fascism, and totalitarianism; their characteristics; where they intersected and how they differed; and some of the individuals--including… |
OL20918251W |
O caso das mangas explosivas
Mohammed Hanif |
Ali Shigri, Pakistan Air Force pilot and Silent Drill Commander of the Fury Squadron, is on a mission to avenge his father's suspicious death, which the government calls a suicide. Ali's target is no… |
OL24419579W |
World revolutionary elites
Harold Dwight Lasswell |
With the exception of chapters 1 and 7 and much of chapter 2, the text is reproduced from Hoover Institute studies, 1951-52, and from the American political science review, v. 31. |
OL3167198W |
Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler
Robert Gellately |
A bold new accounting of the great social and political upheavals that enveloped Europe between 1914 and 1945--from the Russian Revolution through the Second World War.In Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, a… |
OL4790513W |
Bend sinister
Vladimir Nabokov |
<p><b>Book Source:</b> <a href="http://www.new.dli.ernet.in/handle/2015/65702" rel="nofollow">Digital Library of India Item 2015.65702</a></p><p>dc.contributor.author: Nabokov Vladimir<br />dc.date.a… |
OL627072W |