Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der Wissen wolte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gamacht hat
Werner Holzwarth |
When Little Mole tries to find out who pooped on his head, the other animals show him how they poop in order to prove their innocence. |
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The book of poo
Josh Richman |
Everyone knows at least one person who takes an unhealthy interest in their own bowel movements. They were in your class at school or university, or shared an office with you at your first job, or ma… |
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Truth about poop and pee
Susan E. Goodman |
We call them waste products, but poop and pee are essential to our everyday lives. Did you know the chemicals in pee can be used to reduce city smog? Or that poop can fuel a trip to Mars? While we po… |
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Does a pig flush?
Fred Ehrlich |
Explains where different animals eliminate their bodily wastes and tells how children learn to use the toilet when they are old enough. |
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The adventures of Super Diaper Baby
Dav Pilkey |
Irrepressible friends George and Harold create a new comic book superhero, Super Diaper Baby. |
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