The surprising election and confirmation of King David
John Randall Short |
Some of the best-known biblical episodes are found in the story of David's rise to kingship in First and Second Samuel. Why was this series of stories included in the Bible?. An answer that has becom… |
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David and Goliath
Brendan Powell Smith |
Describes the biblical battle between Philistine giant Goliath and young boy David using LEGO toys to depict the narration. |
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Wild & wacky totally true Bible stories
Cheryl McKay,Sharon E. Lamson |
Humorous retellings of three Bible stories about courage, each with an introduction and follow-up by "Mr. Henry," who relates the experiences of Biblical characters to modern life. |
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David's truth in Israel's imagination & memory
Walter Brueggemann |
"In this completely revised edition of a true classic, Walter Brueggemann examines four different sets of David texts, both narrative and poetic. Each text reflects a particular social context, a par… |
OL26138W |
When Heroes Love
Susan Ackerman |
Toward the end of the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh King Gilgamesh laments the untimely death of his comrade Enkidu, "my friend whom I loved dearly." Similarly in the Bible, David mourns his compani… |
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David's songs
Colin T. Eisler |
A selection of psalms, retold, chosen because they reflect David's life and faith. |
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David and Goliath
Beatrice Schenk De Regniers |
The biblical tale of the young shepherd who uses a slingshot to do battle with a giant and eventually becomes a king. |
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David's secret demons
Baruch Halpern |
"The Bible Portrays King David as an exceptional man and a paragon of godly devotion. But was he? Some scholars deny that he existed at all. Did he? This challenging book examines the written and arc… |
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Barbara Cohen |
A retelling of the story of David, going beyond what is in the Bible to include today's knowledge of archaeology, history, politics, psychology, etc., to present the ruler of Israel as he must have b… |
OL646045W |