Don't Tell the Grown-Ups
Alison Lurie |
A collection of essays on great children's literature that relates the lives of the authors to the works themselves. |
OL102904W |
Le Morte d'Arthur
Thomas Malory |
**Le Morte d'Arthur** (originally spelled **Le Morte Darthur**, ungrammatical Middle French for "The Death of Arthur") is a 15th-century Middle English prose reworking by Sir Thomas Malory of tales a… |
OL15450151W |
Irish children's literature and culture
Valerie Coghlan,Keith O'Sullivan |
"Irish Children's Literature and Culture looks critically at Irish writing for children from the 1980s to the present, examining the work of many writers and illustrators and engaging with major genr… |
OL15538101W |
La mère Noël
Geneviève Brisac |
Noël approche. Violette a des questions à poser sur les Rois mages, sur leurs étranges cadeaux, sur le père Noël. Elle les pose à sa maîtresse, mais Mme Krapish s'énerve. Elle les pose à ses marionne… |
OL24472568W |
L'Olympe des infortunes
Yasmina Khadra |
La 4e de couverture indique: "C'est une bande de terre délaissée, un terrain vague. Entre le chaos de la ville et le silence de la mer. C'est un havre et une remise-le royaume des laissés-pour-compte… |
OL24642130W |
L'univers de Tolkien
David Day |
Cet album illustré fournit ce qui est indiqué au sous-titre en découvrant la Terre du Milieu, les Âges de la création, des étoiles et du soleil et en narrant la Guerre de l'Anneau. [SDM]. |
OL26442034W |
Making Poldark
Robin Ellis |
This is the memoir of BBC/Masterpiece Theatre actor Robin Ellis, who offers his own behind-the-scenes account of making Poldark, one of the most successful British classic television series of all ti… |
OL28175277W |
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Walter Arnold Kaufmann |
Existentialism is perhaps the most misunderstood of modern philosophic positions-- misunderstood by reason of its broad popularity and general unfamiliarity with its origins, representatives, and pri… |
OL3503509W |
West of the American dream
Paul Christensen |
"Like many a pioneer exiting the eastern forests, Paul Christensen felt the strangeness of an alien landscape when he first arrived in Texas in 1974. Schooled in the cool colors of life and poetry in… |
OL4614688W |
Mark W. Edwards |
Combines a general introduction and a detailed commentary to make insights of recent Homeric scholarship accessible to students and general readers as well as to classicists. |
OL5270286W |
Station balnéaire
Christian Giudicelli |
La passion révèle aux jeunes amants le sordide insoutenable de leur condition sociale. Eblouis l'un par l'autre, ils jettent la réalité par dessus bord comme on allège un navire qui va sombrer. Ils s… |
OL661102W |