Buffalo nationalism
K. Ilaiah |
Articles previouly published in various newspapers and journals. |
OL1044306W |
Constructing dalit identity
C. Joe Arun |
With special reference to Tamil Nadu, India. |
OL11719001W |
Merā bacapana mere kandhoṃ para
Śyorājasiṃha Becaina |
Autobiography of a 20th century Dalit Hindi author. |
OL13852782W |
Human rights issues and other radical essays
R. M. Pal |
In Indian context. |
OL15121251W |
Dalits and upper castes
A. Satyanarayana |
On the caste system in Andhra Pradesh and its effect on Dalits and the historiography; articles. |
OL1765085W |
Dalit movements and the meanings of labour in India
Peter Robb |
Contributed papers on the low social-status labor in India. |
OL18358579W |
Changiya rukh =
Balabīra Mādhopurī |
Autobiography of a Dalit Panjabi author, editor of Yojana (a Punjabi monthly) and Deputy Director (News), All India Radio, New Delhi. |
OL18797064W |
Dalit solidarity
James Massey |
Contributed papers on untouchables in India. |
OL18865545W |
Scheduled castes today
Makhan Jha |
Contributed articles presented at the National Seminar on "Scheduled Castes" held on Nov. 22-24, 1996 at Ranchi; reflecting the socio-economic conditions. |
OL19421107W |
Faith Under Fire
JPDC Orissa |
On the events in the Kandhamal District of Orissa in December 2007. |
OL20804076W |
Savage Attack
Crispin Bates,Crispin Bates,Alpa Shah |
Papers presented at a conference held at London in June 2008. |
OL21309871W |
Why not today
Matthew Cork |
"Three hundred million - that's the number of people subjected to slavery, sex-trafficking, discrimination, and unspeakable poverty in India. That's the same number of people as live in the entire … |
OL23291471W |
Mohanadāsa Naimiśarāya |
Stories on social conditions of dalits in India. |
OL24852557W |
Emerging Harijan elite
Sheo Swarath Singh |
Study with reference to Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh. |
OL5081985W |
M. C. Raj |
History of Dalits in India. |
OL5977560W |
Impact of rural development on scheduled castes
Rabindra Kumar |
With reference to Bihar, India. |
OL6049175W |