
9 results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Losing paradise Losing paradise Paul G. Irwin Discusses the dangerous consequences of destroying aspects of the ecosystem and the actions necessary to avoid devestation of the environment, including such suggestions as the return to a self-susta… OL15855908W
Understanding the changing planet Understanding the changing planet National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences in the Next Decade "From the oceans to continental heartlands, human activities have altered the physical characteristics of Earth's surface. With Earth's population projected to peak at 8 to 12 billion people by 2050 … OL16698590W
The Future of Life The Future of Life Edward Osborne Wilson "In this book, Wilson describes what treasures of the natural world we are about to lose forever - in many cases animals, insects, and plants we have only just discovered, and whose potential to nour… OL1924906W
The mushroom at the end of the world The mushroom at the end of the world Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing "A tale of diversity within our damaged landscapes, The Mushroom at the End of the World follows one of the strangest commodity chains of our times to explore the unexpected corners of capitalism. He… OL20015789W
Life rules Life rules Ellen LaConte Examines global crises and offers solutions to those challenges. OL20017723W
Regions at risk Regions at risk Turner, B. L.,Roger E. Kasperson,Jeanne X. Kasperson "Human-induced environmental change is to be found throughout the world, but there are areas that scientists consider to be "critical regions"--Regions that are particularly vulnerable to or sufferin… OL21208665W
Plundering Paradise Plundering Paradise Michael D'Orso "Mention the Galapagos Islands to almost anyone, and the first things that come to mind are iguanas, tortoises, volcanic beaches, and, of course, Charles Darwin. That's what Michael D'Orso imagined w… OL2792498W
L'équilibre sacré L'équilibre sacré David T. Suzuki L'environnementaliste canadien D. Suzuki met à la portée de tous les conclusions de la science concernant l'état de la planète et donne au débat une dimension spirituelle, invitant à une réflexion ap… OL28587559W
Le naufrage de Noé Le naufrage de Noé Diane Ackerman L'auteure, poète et essayiste, relate des expéditions qui l'ont conduite aux quatre coins du monde, sur les traces d'espèces en danger : phoques moines d'Hawaii, singes-lions du Brésil, albatros à qu… OL28941922W