Manual of cultivated plants most commonly grown in the continental UnitedStates and Canada
Liberty Hyde Bailey |
To botanists and serious gardeners throughout the world, L. H. Bailey's standard Manual of Cultivated Plants has been an indispensable and definitive horticultural classic since its original publicat… |
OL12478377W |
Hortus third
L. H. Bailey |
Provides concise descriptions of all species and botanical varieties of cultivated plants. |
OL1529631W |
Introduction to plant science
Rick Parker |
This textbook explores the plant kingdom and origins of cultivated plants, requirements for plant growth, plant propagation, and the production of major agronomic crops. The chapters on the plant kin… |
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Green inheritance
Anthony Julian Huxley |
In Green Inheritance Anthony Huxley portrays the beauty, diversity and remarkable history of our heritage of wild and cultivated plants and landscapes, and presents a striking picture of the reach of… |
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The variation of animals and plants under domestication
Charles Darwin |
During the seven years which have elapsed since the publication in 1868 of the first edition of this Work, I have continued to attend to the same subjects, as far as lay in my power; and I have thus … |
OL515356W |