Albert Camus |
*L'Étranger* est le premier roman publié d’Albert Camus, paru en 1942. Il prend place dans la tétralogie que Camus nommera « cycle de l’absurde » qui décrit les fondements de la philosophie camusienn… |
OL1230613W |
Apologie de David
Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan,Ambroise, saint, Évêque de Milan, m. 397 |
210 pages ; 20 cm |
OL13312739W |
The Cambridge Companion to Darwin
Jonathan Hodge |
The naturalist and geologist Charles Darwin (1809-82) ranks as one of the most influential scientific thinkers of all time. In the nineteenth century his ideas about the history and diversity of life… |
OL15188042W |
Arnold Schoenberg's journey
Allen Shawn |
A survey of Schoenberg's oeuvre, musical and visual, and of his influence on European Impressionism and American jazz. |
OL16028749W |
Thomas Hardy
Harold Bloom |
A collection of critical essays on Hardy, his novels, and poems with a chronology of events in the author's life. |
OL16062355W |
Christianity in Bakhtin
Ruth Coates |
The work of the great Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin has been examined from a wide variety of literary and theoretical perspectives. None of the many studies of Bakhtin begins to do justice, howeve… |
OL1807298W |
Critical essays on E.E. Cummings
Guy L. Rotella |
A collection of reviews and essays that traces the critical reputation of Cummings' works. |
OL18265857W |
Sylvia Plath
Caroline King Barnard Hall |
Critical examination of Plath's writing. |
OL1838789W |
Reading Susan Sontag
Carl E. Rollyson,Carl Rollyson |
"Each of the chapters in Reading Susan Sontag is devoted to one of her books and is divided into three sections: synopsis, Ms. Sontag's own views of her work, and critical commentary. Thus it moves f… |
OL1861818W |
Proust entre deux siècles
Antoine Compagnon |
314 p. ; 21 cm |
OL2185526W |
Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck |
The second book in John Steinbeck’s labor trilogy, Of Mice and Men is a touching tale of two migrant laborers in search of work and eventual liberation from their social circumstances. Fiercely devot… |
OL23204W |
Jean-Luc Godard, tout est cinéma
Richard Brody |
Le critique américain Richard Brody s'appuie sur des centaines d'entretiens avec les amis, collaborateurs et membres de la famille de Godard ainsi que sur des séquences d'archives inédites pour dress… |
OL24274210W |
Trois courtes pièces
Molière |
Le texte est suivi d'un dossier construit autour de six points : mouvements littéraire, contexte, création, problématique, sujets de réflexion, chronologie et biographie de l'auteur. |
OL24441754W |
L'univers de Tolkien
David Day |
Cet album illustré fournit ce qui est indiqué au sous-titre en découvrant la Terre du Milieu, les Âges de la création, des étoiles et du soleil et en narrant la Guerre de l'Anneau. [SDM]. |
OL26442034W |
French existentialist fiction
Terry Keefe |
Broadly dividing the fiction of Sartre, Camus and Beauvoir into three periods - pre-World War II, wartime, and post-war - the book shows how the moral perspectives of the authors, as illustrated in t… |
OL2720535W |
Ramón del Valle-Inclán
Robert Lima |
This is a brief critical and biographical study in the distinguished series published by Columbia University Press. |
OL2793335W |
A sidekick to John Green's The fault in our stars
BookBuddy |
"With this analysis, you will gain a better understanding of the characters and plot while recieving rich insight into the novel's themes and symbolism. Examine the author's writing style. Learn what… |
OL28767314W |
Louis Bromfield
David D. Anderson |
"The purpose of this study ... is to examine his works as a whole in order to determine what he attempted and what he accomplished of failed to accomplish in each of them and in the canon as a whole.… |
OL324380W |
Upton Sinclair
William A. Bloodworth |
A critical and appreciative study of the controversial author examines his literary significance as well as his impact on American social history. |
OL3939123W |
Painting with words, writing with pictures
Franco Ricci |
"Ricci's book ranges widely over Calvino's oeuvre to illustrate the accuracy of the idea articulated by Calvino himself that a visual image lies at the origin of all his narrative. The book's main th… |
OL4185233W |