Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics
Roger M Temam |
Temam and Miranville present core topics within the general themes of fluid and solid mechanics. The brisk style allows the text to cover a wide range of topics including viscous flow, magnetohydrody… |
OL15176027W |
Computational continuum mechanics
Ahmed A. Shabana |
"This text presents the theory of continuum mechanics using computational methods. It covers topics including general problems of large rotation and large deformations, the development of finite elem… |
OL16117163W |
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
Sudhakar Nair |
Treats solids and fluids in a balanced manner, using thermodynamic restrictions on the relation between applied forces and material responses. |
OL16921522W |
Continuum theory
Alejandro Illanes,Sergio Macias,Wayne Lewis,Sam B. Nadler |
"Celebrating the work of mathematician Sam B. Nadler, Jr., this reference examines the most recent advances in the analysis of continua (compact, connected, metric space) - presenting a summary of th… |
OL16981374W |
Advances in multifield theories for continua with substructure
G. Capriz |
"Applied mathematicians, mechanical and structural engineers, material scientists, graduate students, and researchers in the above areas will benefit from this work."--BOOK JACKET. |
OL19824597W |
Continuum Mechanics and Applications in Geophysics and the Environment
Brian Straughan |
This topical volume reviews applications of continuum mechanics to systems in geophysics and the environment. Part of the text is devoted to numerical simulations and modeling. The topics covered inc… |
OL19837684W |
Continuum Mechanics
I-Shih Liu |
This concise textbook develops step by step the fundamental principles of continuum mechanics. Emphasis is on mathematical clarity, and an extended appendix provides the required background knowledge… |
OL19837688W |
Cosserat Theories: Shells, Rods and Points
M. B. Rubin |
This book presents a unified hierarchical formulation of theories for three-dimensional continua, two-dimensional shells, one-dimensional rods, and zero-dimensional points. Moreover, it is shown that… |
OL19838232W |
Electrodynamics of Continua I
A. C. Eringen |
This book presents a unified approach to the electrodynamics of continua, based on the principles of contemporary continuum of physics. This interdisciplinary approach is unique for the treatment of … |
OL19845950W |
Electrodynamics of Continua II
A. C. Eringen |
This is the second volume of a two-volume set presenting a unified approach to the electrodynamics of continua, based on the principles of contemporary continuum of physics. The first volume was devo… |
OL19845951W |
Elementary Continuum Mechanics for Everyone
Esben Byskov |
The book opens with a derivation of kinematically nonlinear 3-D continuum mechanics for solids. Then the principle of virtual work is utilized to derive the simpler, kinematically linear 3-D theory a… |
OL19846534W |
Generalized Continua from the Theory to Engineering Applications
Holm Altenbach |
The need of generalized continua models is coming from practice. Complex material behavior sometimes cannot be presented by the classical Cauchy continua. At present the attention of the scientists i… |
OL19852335W |
Josef Betten |
Ausgehend von den Grundlagen der Kontinuumsmechanik behandelt der Autor in diesem didaktisch besonders gelungenen Lehrbuch das plastische und elastische Werkstoffverhalten unter besonderer Berücksich… |
OL19880187W |
Mathematics of Multiscale Materials
Kenneth M. Golden |
Polycrystalline metals, porous rocks, colloidal suspensions, epitaxial thin films, gels, foams, granular aggregates, sea ice, shape-memory metals, magnetic materials, and electro-rheological fluids a… |
OL19886465W |
Multifield problems
W. L. Wendland,W. O. Schiehlen,Anna-Margarete Sändig |
The simulation of complex engineering problems often involves an interaction or coupling of individual phenomena, which are traditionally related by themselves to seperate fields of applied mechanics… |
OL19889471W |
The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics
Clifford Truesdell |
Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics has become a classic treatise in the field of continuum mechanics. Originally published nearly forty years ago, it probably has influenced practically all subse… |
OL19891057W |
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Applications
Tomáš Roubíček |
<p>This book primarily concerns quasilinear and semilinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, inequalities, and systems. The exposition leads the reader through the general theory… |
OL19891119W |
Ronaldo I. Borja |
There have been many excellent books written on the subject of plastic deformation in solids, but rarely can one find a textbook on this subject. “Plasticity Modeling & Computation” is a textbook wri… |
OL19895316W |
Olivier Coussy |
Modelling and predicting how porous media deform when subjected to external actions and physical phenomena, including the effect of saturating fluids, are of importance to the understanding of geophy… |
OL2355558W |