Soy paciente
Sarah L. Schuette |
Simple text and photographs show various ways children can be patient. |
OL17837474W |
Heart smarts
Doc Lew Childre |
Focuses on how to deal with emotions and stress, build self esteem, improve communications, and develop positive relationships. |
OL1817732W |
Los doce dones
Martha Isabel |
Uses the traditional seven deadly sins to present twelve "gifts," or emotional tools for combating personal limitations and achieving a better life, including such virtues as love, forgiveness, seren… |
OL19935861W |
Los fabulosos poderes de los acuerdos toltecas
Patrice Ras |
"Según las enseñanzas de Don Manuel Aquilo. Don Manuel Aquilo, tras un periplo y diversas iniciaciones, es en la actualidad un nagual solitario que vive retirado del mundo. El encuentro fortuito ent… |
OL19961101W |
Hablemos con ellos
Oscar Brenifier |
Como dialogar con tus hijos adolescentes sobre cualquier tema? Como acompanarlos en sus angustias y dudas existenciales? En una epoca donde la familia tipica se ha modificado y los padres no suelen s… |
OL24268514W |
El Libro Del Hombre
Bhagwan Rajneesh |
Osho's interview on the diverse aspects of man's persona and his relationship with woman, etc. |
OL264299W |
It's mine!
Annabel Spenceley,Rachael Underwood,Janine Amos |
Two brief stories demonstrate the importance of sharing, being careful with the property of others, and taking turns. |
OL2655577W |
The knight in rusty armor
Robert Fisher,Fisher Robert,Fisher, Robert |
While searching for a way to remove the armor that has become stuck on him, a knight finally discovers the true qualities of knighthood. |
OL4174008W |
Vana Earle |
Defines honesty and discusses its importance in life. |
OL4805050W |