Le parfum des bars la nuit
Marie Hélène Poitras |
Feuilleton féminin dans lequel s'opposent et s'entremêlent la passion du rock et le glamour rose bonbon, tandis qu'évolue l'amitié de deux adolescentes de 16 ans, très unies malgré leurs différences.… |
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Rick Ollerman |
Former cop Frankie O'Neil's best friend has just taken a high dive out of a plane without a chute. He'd been working with a couple of cops, Hill and Fetterman, to figure out a complicated scheme invo… |
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No more victims
Jed Baker |
The digital world offers a wonderful way to communicate with others, but is also rife with the dangers of being victimized emotionally, physically, and financially. Individuals with autism spectrum d… |
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