The public place
Dimitrios I Roussopoulos |
97 p. ; 21 cm |
OL11991153W |
Pragmatics of community organization
Bill Lee |
Recognizing that community practice takes place in a dynamic landscape, Lee provides a practical narrative of community work in his book, Pragmatics of Community Organization. He conceptualizes commu… |
OL13295084W |
Stanley Kurtz |
President Barack Obama surprised many voters during a pre-election interview when he approvingly noted that Ronald Reagan had “changed the trajectory of America” in a way that other presidents had no… |
OL15571842W |
Collective action and property rights for poverty reduction
Esther Mwangi |
xx, 426 p. : 24 cm |
OL16117408W |
Collective action for social change
Aaron Schutz |
"This book draws from both authors' extensive experience participating in community organizing efforts and teaching courses on community organizing to novices"--Provided by publisher. |
OL16915334W |
Subversion Inc How Obamas Acorn Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing And Ripping Off American Taxpayers
Matthew Vadum |
xii, 436 pages ; 24 cm |
OL17428277W |
The Impossible Community
John P. Clark |
**The Impossible Community** confronts a critical moment when social and ecological catastrophes loom, the Left seems unable to articulate a response, and the Right controls public debates. This book… |
OL17762271W |
Industrial evolution
Lyle Estill |
For many people, the word "industry" brings to mind images of sprawling factories belching toxic emissions in a blighted natural landscape. "Industrial" has become synonymous with pollution, human ri… |
OL17936885W |
Promoting community change
Mark S. Homan |
xi, 442 p. : 24 cm |
OL1828989W |
Strategies of community intervention
John E. Tropman,John L. Erlich,Jack Rothman |
xiv, 497 p. : 24 cm |
OL19130776W |
Results that matter
Paul D. Epstein,Paul Epstein,Paul M. Coates,Lyle D. Wray,David Swain |
xxvii, 242 p. : 25 cm |
OL19516244W |
Community Structure of Complex Networks
Hua-Wei Shen |
Community structure is a salient structural characteristic of many real-world networks. Communities are generally hierarchical, overlapping, multi-scale and coexist with other types of structural reg… |
OL19835554W |
Using theory in youth and community work practice
Chris Parkin,Ilona Buchroth |
This book will provide students on youth and community work courses with a good understanding of the range of theories that should support their practice. |
OL19909172W |
The abundant community
McKnight, John |
There is a growing movement of people with a different vision for their local communities. They know that real satisfaction and the good life are not provided by organizations, institutions, or syste… |
OL20037285W |
We the people
Thomas Linzey |
We the People offers powerful portraits of communities across the United States that have faced threats from environmentally destructive corporate projects and responded by successfully banning those… |
OL20048248W |
Organizing church
Tim Conder |
"Organizing Church blends proven principles of community organizing and research on socially active congregations into an essential field guide that will revitalize and empower churches as change age… |
OL20975109W |
Community conversations
Paul Born |
"Communities around the world are entering a new era of community building. Whether improving economic conditions and reducing poverty, re-energizing citizens and social programs, reducing crime, or … |
OL22780532W |
The Pollyanna principles
Hildy Gottlieb |
Discusses the principles of how to create the future for your organization and your community and make a difference. |
OL24292686W |
Slavinnen van de macht
Lydia Cacho |
Een jaar lang verdiepte auteur zich in de wereld van de internationale kinder- en vrouwenhandel. Ze reisde over de hele wereld, bezocht undercover (soms als man verkleed) red light districts, intervi… |
OL24748777W |
Macha! Macha!
Malou van Hintum |
Bespiegeling over het huidige feminisme, de toekomst ervan en een kritiek op het door de schrijfster betitelde klaagfeminisme of slachtofferfeminisme.
Kritische beschouwing van de erfenis van het fe… |
OL24749241W |