Classics of community psychiatry
Rowe, Michael |
xxiii, 624 p. : 26 cm |
OL15991171W |
Critical Community Psychology
Carolyn Kagan,Mark Burton,Paul Duckett,Rebecca Lawthom |
Interest in community psychology, and its potential has grown in parallel with changes in welfare and governmental priorities. Critical Community Psychology provide students of different community ba… |
OL16326807W |
Sozialarbeit und Sozialpa dagogik in der Psychiatrie
Marianne Bosshard |
Dieses Lehrbuch thematisiert die Psychiatrie vom Standpunkt der Sozialarbeit und der Sozialpa dagogik. Die fu r dieses Arbeitsfeld wichtigen erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen und methodischen Vorgeh… |
OL16972035W |
Creating sanctuary
Sandra L. Bloom |
Creating Sanctuary is a description of a hospital-based program to treat adults who had been abused as children and the revolutionary knowledge about trauma and adversity that the program was based u… |
OL1922212W |
A handbook for the study of mental health
Allan V. Horwitz |
"This book offers the first comprehensive presentation of the sociology of mental health and illness - one that includes original, contemporary contributions by experts in the relevant aspects of the… |
OL20833593W |