The strange death of the liberal empire
David E. Torrance |
Part biography and part study of imperialism, The Strange Death of the Liberal Empire is an examination of Lord Selborne's career as high commissioner for South Africa from 1905 to 1910. David Torran… |
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Samuel de Champlain
Denis Lévesque |
Par ses biographies sommaires, cette collection répond à un impératif et comble partiellement un vide. L'appareil bibliographique pourrait avantageusement être enrichi (glossaire, index des noms prop… |
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Lord Baltimore
Loree Lough |
A biography of the Catholic baron who became the founder of the state of Maryland. |
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Waiting for the Barbarians
J. M. Coetzee |
For decades the Magistrate has run the affairs of a tiny frontier settlement, ignoring the impending war between the barbarians and the Empire, whose servant he is. But when the interrogation experts… |
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