MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing
Joseph Gibaldi |
Since its publication in 1985, the MLA Style Manual has been the standard guide for graduate students, teachers, and scholars in the humanities and for professional writers in many fields. Extensivel… |
OL114956W |
Le Ramat de la typographie
A. Ramat |
"L'ABC de la typographie, les abréviations, les capitales, les coupures, l'italique, les nombres, l'orthographe, la ponctuation, la typographie anglaise."--SDM. |
OL13543280W |
Typographic design
Ben Day,Philip B. Meggs,Rob Carter |
"Fully revised and updated to reflect new technological developments and emerging design trends, Typographic Design. Form and Communication, Third Edition offers detailed coverage of such essential t… |
OL2800989W |
Lapsing into a Comma
Bill Walsh |
No writer's or editor's desk is complete without a battered, page-bent copy of the AP Stylebook. However, this not-so-easy-to-use reference of journalistic style is often not up-to-date and leaves re… |
OL282302W |