Crack & cocaine
Linda N. Bayer |
Describes the effects of crack and other forms of cocaine on the body, the dangers of abusing them, the reasons why people use them, and ways to prevent an addiction or get help. |
OL15216273W |
Cocaina s.p.a.
Vincenzo R. Spagnolo |
Datele il soprannome che preferite: polvere d'angelo, bamba, cocco, barella, bonza, piscia di gatto, neve... Ma tenete bene a mente una cosa. Con qualsiasi nome la si chiami, non c'è dubbio, negli ul… |
OL15447073W |
White lines II
Tracy Brown |
"On the surface, it appears that Sunny has got it all-looks, money, a beautiful home, a healthy daughter, and friends who love her. But Sunny has a secret--something she hasn't even told her best fri… |
OL16152325W |
Sarita Kendall |
Presents information on cocaine and the serious problems it is causing today. |
OL1810166W |
Cocaine (First Book)
Geraldine Woods |
A study of the effects and abuse of the drug cocaine, a history of the use of cocaine and its trade, and a discussion of treatments for cocaine addiction. |
OL19353335W |
Heather Lehr Wagner |
Explains alcohol's effects on the brain and body-- from consumption to absorption and intoxication, as well as its potential to cause disease and disrupt delicate neurochemical balances. |
OL20545405W |
Crack and Cocaine
David Browne |
Discusses the problem of cocaine abuse, particularly with regard to the powerful and extremely addictive form known as crack. |
OL2362631W |
Facts you should know about crack
Illinois. Department of Human Services |
Describes the effects of crack on the body, the dangers of abusing it, the reasons why people use it, and ways to prevent an addiction or get help. |
OL24949413W |
Cocaine and crack
Arnold M. Washton |
Discusses facts about the effects of cocaine use, in all its forms, such as crack, including the ease with which addiction can occur. |
OL4127512W |
Cocaine and crack
Julian Chomet |
Discusses the origin, nature, and effects of cocaine and its dangerous new form, crack, and examines efforts to halt their abuse. |
OL4809617W |
Falling Awake
Vivian French |
Danny Perelli's world is turned upside down when someone gives him cocaine. This powerful anti-drugs story makes for a shocking but rivetting read. It is aimed at young adults in the 13 to 16 years a… |
OL481567W |
P. Gootenberg |
Cocaine examines the rise and fall of this notorious substance from its legitimate use by scientists and medics in the nineteenth century to the international prohibitionist regimes and drug gangs of… |
OL8094752W |