Essentials of breast surgery
Michael S. Sabel |
This new volume in the Surgical Foundations series delivers need-to-know, current information in breast surgery in an exceptionally economical and user-friendly format. Coverage encompasses everythin… |
OL13740902W |
Current therapy of trauma and surgical critical care
Donald D. Trunkey,Juan A. Asensio |
Here's a unified evidence-based approach to problems encountered in trauma and critical care surgical situations. Comprehensive and concise, it is ideal for a quick overview before entering the opera… |
OL16939819W |
Aesthetic surgery after massive weight loss
J. Peter Rubin,Alan Matarasso |
This illustrated atlas comprehensively examines techniques for managing aesthetic issues of the face and neck, breast, abdomen, arms, and legs commonly facing patients after bariatric surgery. Over 8… |
OL16940205W |
Urologic robotic surgery
Eric A. Klein |
Laparoscopy has allowed surgeons to perform major surgical procedures through small incisions. The introduction of laparoscopy has revolutionized the field of minimally invasive surgery. This book pr… |
OL16946370W |
The Spina Bifida
Giuseppe Cinalli |
The evolution of technology has made new surgical techniques available for the treatment of diseases associated with the spina bifida malformation, and this is especially true in hydrocephalus and fe… |
OL16952725W |
The elbow and its disorders
Bernard F. Morrey |
A must-have resource for any orthopaedic library, the latest edition of this technique-focused guide to the elbow has been revised and updated to give you even more coverage of trauma, arthroscopy, s… |
OL16979619W |
Dermatologic Surgery
Allison T. Vidimos |
This title in the Requisites in Dermatology series is the perfect resource for quick reference and rapid review in dermatologic surgery. It succinctly presents all of the most essential clinical and … |
OL17408498W |
Chirurgie maxillofaciale et stomatologie
Jean-Luc Béziat,Olivier Merrot,Jean-Christian Pignat,Carole Burillon |
Manuel pour préparer l'examen national classant en stomatologie et chirurgie maxillofaciale, ORL et ophtalmologie, avec des conseils pratiques. |
OL19834362W |
Media and the rhetoric of body perfection
Deborah Harris-Moore |
Against the background of the so-called 'obesity epidemic', Media and the Rhetoric of Body Perfection critically examines the discourses of physical perfection that pervade Western societies, sheddin… |
OL20548107W |
Evidence-based nursing care guidelines
Gail B. Ladwig,Beth Ann Swan,Sharon J. Tucker,Betty J. Ackley |
This groundbreaking reference created by an internationally respected team of clinical and research experts provides quick access to concise summaries of the body of nursing research for 192 common m… |
OL20778607W |
H.J. Bonjer,D.C. Aronson,J.D. Blankensteijn |
Inzicht in het medisch denken en handelen, samengesteld uit bijdragen van diverse chirurgen in academische en algemene ziekenhuizen in Nederland aan de hand van 68 casussen rondom chirurgische overwe… |
OL24472892W |
Treatment of elbow lesions
Bernard F. Morrey,Andrea Celli,L. Celli |
"The aim of this book is to didactically describe the different pathologies of the elbow and their surgical treatment, thus helping to reduce the incidence of complications such as stiff elbow, heter… |
OL24688500W |
Charles M. Court-Brown |
This state-of-the-art resume of treatment for traumatic disruption of the lower leg will be essential reading for all orthopaedic and trauma surgeons involved in the management of femur trauma. |
OL24766128W |
Demain, j'entre à l'hôpital
Rien Broere |
Manon a un trouble cardiaque et doit aller à l'hôpital. Elle apporte avec son nounours, qui l'accompagne tout au long de ce séjour. Ce récit présente une réalité qui touche bien des enfants. |
OL24821827W |
Ma vie sans rire
Jean Lemieux |
François-Xavier joue les téméraires en grimpant dans un arbre. Il tombe et subit quelques fractures, en plus d'être opéré pour l'ablation de la rate. Après l'opération, il est incapable de rire : ça … |
OL27690861W |
Emerson learns about surgery
Erica May |
"Surgery can be scary for a child. When young Emerson realizes she needs surgery, she's especially nervous because she doesn't know what to expect. Tag along with her as she learns about the surgery … |
OL27713544W |
Cancer de la prostate
Jean-Marc Cosset,Olivier Cussenot,François Haab |
"Le point sur les avancées diagnostiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques mises à la disposition des praticiens pour la prise en charge de la maladie. Description pour chaque catégorie de cancer des stra… |
OL27739689W |
Peter L. Geller |
Now updated to reflect the USMLE Step 2 exams with greater emphasis on case presentations and diagnostic skills. New editions features approximately 400 new clinical vignettes with 500 accompanying q… |
OL282064W |
Too big to run
Cathy Hapka |
"Zach's mom has a new patient--a giant dog named Maxi who has been helping her owner train for a marathon. Maxi's knees can't handle all that running and now she needs an operation. Time for the kids… |
OL28594880W |
Keys to an amazing life
Kenneth K. Hansraj |
Keys To An Amazing Life: Secrets Of The Cervical Spine is written with the everyday person in mind and consists of cutting-edge descriptions of every option that is available and cost free for people… |
OL28606727W |