A creepy case of vampires
Kenneth Oppel |
"Giles and Kevin are sure they see a vampire, and take matters into their own hands. The celebrated author is back with another rollicking adventure in this final book in the series" Cf. Our choice, … |
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Kenneth Oppel |
Griffin, a young bat, is sucked into the "Underworld," and his father follows to rescue him. |
OL19333W |
Kenneth Oppel,Keith Thompson |
As the sun sets on the time of the dinosaurs, a new world is left in its wake. . . . DuskHe alone can fly and see in the dark, in a colony where being different means being shunned — or worse. As the… |
OL19337W |
Le spectre du docteur Moisi
Roberto Pavanello |
Mon mentor et ami Arthur, celui qui m'a appris à lire et à écrire, a des ennuis ! Chaque nuit, quelqu'un s'amuse à mettre à sac sa bibliothèque, dont les combles m'ont jadis abrité. Le mystérieux vis… |
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Le cavalier sans tête
Roberto Pavanello |
Connaissez-vous la "Nuit des Bêtises" ? Les enfants de Fogville adorent cette tradition : armés de louches, de casseroles et d'instruments en tout genre, ils ont le droit de faire un boucan de tous l… |
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Bailey Phelps |
Presents factual information on bats and characteristics of mammals that distinguish them from birds. Also presents a legend about why bats fly and hunt only at night. |
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The Magic School Bus Going Batty
Nancy E. Krulik |
When the Magic School Bus turns into a bat, the gang gets the inside story on this eerie yet fascinating creature of the night. |
OL83049W |