More Celtic fairy tales
Joseph Jacobs |
Leprechauns, fairies, and medieval heroes figure in the strange events related in this paperback reprint of twenty Celtic folk and fairy tales. |
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Celtic myths & legends
Philip Ardagh |
Retells traditional Celtic myths about heroes, giants, warrior kings and queens, and the Little People. Includes a who's who of key figures in Celtic mythology and an explanation of how these stories… |
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Animals in Celtic Life and Myth
Miranda J. Aldhouse-Green |
For the Celts, a rural people whose survival depended so freatly upon their environment, the sanctity of natural phenomenon and of the elements led to extreme respect and veneration of animals. Both … |
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Celtic Memories
Caitlin Matthews |
Presents an illustrated collection of traditional Celtic stories, blessings, and rhymes, with notes on each story and a pronunciation guide to Celtic words. |
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