Welsh mythology and folklore in popular culture
Audrey Becker |
"Examining how we interpret Welshness today, this volume brings together fourteen essays that examine the range of representations of Welsh mythology, folklore, and ritual in popular culture. Togethe… |
OL16183875W |
Offerings for the Green Man
Kathleen Cunningham Guler |
63 p. ; 22 cm |
OL19036372W |
The squirrel on the train
Kevin Hearne |
Oberon the Irish wolfhound is off to Portland to smell all the things with canine companions wolfhound Orlaith and Boston terrier Starbuck, and, of course, his human, ancient Druid Atticus O'Sullivan… |
OL19729029W |
At Swim-Two-Birds
Flann O'Brien |
Flann O'Brien's first novel is a brilliant impressionistic jumble of ideas, mythology and nonsense. Operating on many levels it incorporates plots within plots, giving full rein to O'Brien's dancing … |
OL2005224W |
Berbard Briais,Marcel Laverdet |
A collection of Celtic myths and legends. |
OL22075965W |
Celtic myths & legends
Philip Ardagh |
Retells traditional Celtic myths about heroes, giants, warrior kings and queens, and the Little People. Includes a who's who of key figures in Celtic mythology and an explanation of how these stories… |
OL24253585W |
Karen Marie Moning |
"MacKayla Lane lleva una vida aceptable. Tiene grandes amigos, un trabajo decente y un coche que se averia cada dos por tres. En otras palabras, es una mujer normal del siglo xxi. O eso es lo que cre… |
OL27307001W |
Myths and civilization of the ancient Romans
John Malam |
Presents nine myths of ancient Rome, as well as an overview of Roman civilization. |
OL456940W |
Celtic researches
Edward Davies |
657 p. in various pagings ; 23 cm |
OL6814119W |
Animals in Celtic Life and Myth
Miranda J. Aldhouse-Green |
For the Celts, a rural people whose survival depended so freatly upon their environment, the sanctity of natural phenomenon and of the elements led to extreme respect and veneration of animals. Both … |
OL8090539W |