The Crunching Munching Caterpillar
Sheridan Cain |
Caterpillar wants to fly like Butterfly, Bumblebee, and Sparrow, and Butterfly thinks his wish may come true. |
OL114631W |
The caterpillow fight
Sam McBratney |
A rowdy pillow fight among young caterpillars causes the Big Caterpillar to step in and take action. |
OL15283680W |
Patrick Merrick |
Describes the physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and life cycle of caterpillars. |
OL15286216W |
Butterfly magic
Melissa Getzoff |
Simple text and illustrations depict how a caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly. |
OL16060630W |
Caterpillars and butterflies
Trudi Strain Trueit |
"Identify specific caterpillar and butterfly species. Explore their behavior, life cycle, mating habits, geographical location, anatomy, enemies, and defenses"-- |
OL16484295W |
Karen Hartley,Philip Taylor,Chris MacRo |
A simple introduction to the physical characteristics, diet, life cycle, predators, habitat, and lifespan of caterpillars. |
OL1812438W |
Terry and the Caterpillars
Millicent E. Selsam |
A young girl finds some caterpillars, keeps them in jars, feeds them, watches the caterpillars spin cocoons, and finally sees them emerge as moths from the cocoons. |
OL1876422W |
It's easy to have a caterpillar visit you
Caroline O'Hagan |
Gives instruction for catching a caterpillar, housing and feeding it, and what to do when it turns into a chrysalis. |
OL19147086W |
Moira Butterfield |
Un texte bref et facile retrace le cycle de la vie des papillons de l'oeuf au papillon, en passant par la chenille. Illustrations réalistes. |
OL2215276W |
The green caterpillar
La Coccinella,Sterling Children's Staff |
A hungry green caterpillar eats a variety of foods, only to be told by various animals that caterpillars don't eat those foods. Includes die-cut spiraling holes and rhyming text. |
OL24173066W |
Follement cocon!
Claire Obscure |
Les chenilles Granule et Huguette passent leurs journées à grignoter. Or, un jour, Huguette cesse de manger, obnubilée par la confection de son cocon. Abasourdie, son amie l'observe avec tristesse et… |
OL24265505W |
Iggy Biggy Buggy
Stayci Mallozzi |
Meet Iggy Biggy Buggy, a charismatic caterpillar who woke up one sunny day, didn't want to go to school, and stayed home to play. Iggy knows how to have a good time and has great adventures playing o… |
OL24271072W |
The adventures of Caterpillar Jones
J. J. Brothers,Jim,Jon Hixson,Joe Susick |
Mulberry Meadow is the home of Caterpillar Jones, alias C.J. With his friend Sammy, C.J. sets out to become an adventurer. Together they face the challenges of climbing Ponder Rock, battling E. Phil … |
OL24812922W |
Caterpillars and how they live
Robert M. McClung |
Describes the many kinds of caterpillars, their life cycle, struggle for survival, and role in man's economy. Includes a chapter on raising caterpillars. |
OL3297841W |
The caterpillar and the polliwog
Jack Kent |
Impressed by the proud caterpillar's boast that she will turn into a butterfly when she grows up, a polliwog determines to watch the caterpillar very carefully and turn into a butterfly too. |
OL3909794W |
Butterflies and caterpillars
Anita Ganeri |
Younger readers can follow the transformation from egg to beautiful butterfly in this book, one in a series of books which track the life cycles of familiar animals, both wild and domestic. |
OL442648W |
Houdini the amazing caterpillar
Janet Pedersen |
A caterpillar does amazing tricks, like making leaves disappear and shedding its skin, and finally it performs the most amazing trick of all. Includes facts about the life cycle of the monarch butter… |
OL5737648W |
Rhinos for Lunch and Elephants for Supper!
Tololwa M. Mollel |
A variety of animals try to help a hare get rid of the mysterious intruder who has taken over her house. |
OL875999W |