Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus
Max Weber |
In The Protestant Ethic, Max Weber opposes the Marxist concept of dialectical materialism and relates the rise of the capitalist economy to the Calvinist belief in the moral value of hard work and th… |
OL1362905W |
The Culture of the New Capitalism
Richard Sennett |
The distinguished sociologist Richard Sennett surveys major differences between earlier forms of industrial capitalism and the more global, more febrile, ever more mutable version of capitalism that … |
OL1870888W |
O Século XX
Jorge Ferreira,Daniel Aarão Reis Filho,Celeste Zenha |
História da formação do mundo atual. Apresenta as transformações ocorridas no Século XX: as guerras mundiais, as revoluções burguesas, as revoluções socialistas e fascismos, crise e reconstrução do l… |
OL19893043W |
Una rivoluzione ci salverà
Naomi Klein |
Il capitalismo non è più sostenibile. A meno di cambiamenti radicali nel modo in cui la popolazione mondiale vive, produce e gestisce le proprie attività economiche - con i consumi e le emissioni aum… |
OL26196905W |
Against the dead hand
Brink Lindsey |
A refreshing, insightful look into the political and economic dynamics driving globalization today Globalization: it's earlier than you think. That's the provocative message of Against the Dead Hand… |
OL275826W |
Capitalism for kids
Karl Hess |
"Presents an explanation of capitalism, democratic socialism, socialism, communism, and totalitarianism. Includes a self-test so readers can determine if they have the personality and temperament to … |
OL4995453W |