Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
Joseph Alois Schumpeter |
**Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy** is a book on economics, sociology, and history by Joseph Schumpeter, arguably one of—if not his most—famous, controversial, and important works. It’s also one… |
OL1295326W |
The common good
Noam Chomsky |
Someone who knows and gives a damn. Do read this please. |
OL15329510W |
Global capitalism in crisis
Murray E. G. Smith |
xi, 179 p. : 23 cm |
OL15454517W |
The Future of U.S. Capitalism
Pryor, Frederic L. |
"This multidisciplinary book looks at the long-term forces that are shaping the most important economic institutions in the United States in the coming decades. These underlying causes of change incl… |
OL1959617W |
One Market Under God
Thomas Frank |
Examines the attempts made in the 1990s to infuse free-market ideology with claims of democracy, resulting in something called market populism. Driven by the economy's irrational exuberance, market… |
OL2668554W |
Natural capitalism
Paul Hawken |
There are no more reespected voices in the environmental movement than these authors, true counselors on the direction of twenty-first-century business. With hundreds of thousands of books sold world… |
OL3940931W |
The Shock Doctrine
Naomi Klein |
**The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism** is a 2007 book by the Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein. In the book, Klein argues that neoliberal free market policies (as advoc… |
OL6017238W |
Disposable women and other myths of global capitalism
Melissa W. Wright |
Everyday, around the world, women who work in the third world factories of global firms face the idea that they are disposable. Melissa W. Wright explains how this notion proliferates, both within an… |
OL8105241W |