How was your day at school?
Nathan Eklund |
Addressing the alarmingly low rate of job retention in classroom education, this guide offers practical advice to administrators and teachers for avoiding teacher burnout and increasing teacher satis… |
OL11994379W |
John Cosgrove |
Between 1989 and 1999 half the teachers in England and Wales quit their posts. By the late nineties more than six thousand teachers a year were retiring early on grounds of ill health. In recent year… |
OL12383329W |
Before burnout
Paul Heier,Don Hawkins,Frank B. Minirth,Chris Thurman |
189 p. ; 22 cm |
OL18883220W |
Herbert J. Freudenberger,Geraldine Richelson,Herb Freudenberger |
Includes bibliographical references |
OL22669672W |
Travailler sans y laisser sa peau
Abel Edmond |
Le stress, l'anxiété, l'attente en tension, l'appréhension, les incertitudes nous poussent souvent à brûler la chandelle par les deux bouts. Il peut en résulter une fatigue chronique, une démoralisat… |
OL24856529W |
Women who carry their men
Hattie Hill |
xiv, 124 p. : 23 cm |
OL2693604W |
Spiritual sinkholes
Caruso, Jim (Pastor) |
"[Helps] the [church] leader understand the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and presents practical life applications that will lead to a pattern of healthy sabbath rest and self-care practic… |
OL27057210W |
Ferdinand Jaggi |
Aujourd'hui, le burnout est mondialement répandu. Pourtant, la prévention, le diagnostic et la thérapie n'ont jusqu'à présent été analysés que dans les grandes lignes. Cet ouvrage complet éclaire ces… |
OL27272641W |
Reclaiming the Fire
Steven Berglas |
The definitive work on avoiding burnout, written by the psychologist who is the leading specialist on the issue. An illuminating and useful book for anyone coping with the pressures of work.In Reclai… |
OL4321265W |