Tshad ma rig paʼi spyi don rigs gźuṅ rgya mtshoʼi ʼjug ṅogs
Blo-bzaṅ-chos-grags. |
Study on general principles of Buddhist logic. |
OL1058949W |
Rgyas pa'i bstan bcos tshad ma rnam 'grel gyi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed pa gtan tshigs dus kyi sgron …
Dge-ʼdun-bsam-gtan Chu-skyes. |
Study on Buddhist logical text Pramāṇavārttika of Dharmakīrti, 7th cent. |
OL1074135W |
Tshad maʼi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed pa gtan tshigs dus kyi sgron me
Dge-ʼdun-bsam-gtan Chu-skyes. |
Study on Buddhist logic. |
OL1074136W |
Tshad ma rnam ʼgrel gyi dgoṅs don legs par bśad pa blo gsal ʼjug bde lam bu
Dge-ʼdun-bsam-gtan Chu-skyes. |
Study on Buddhist logical text Pramāṇavārttika of Dharmakīrti, 7th cent. |
OL1074138W |
Dṅos yod kyi ʼjig rten
Library of Tibetan Works & Archives |
Comparative study between Buddhist logic and scientific reasoning. |
OL16770332W |
zhib 'jug dang bden don
19uu |
Collection of the author's articles, predominantly concerned with Buddhist dialect and logic. |
OL18151813W |
skyabs 'gro bran g.yog gi 'du shes yin nam
shes rab bstan dar |
Question and answer format on various aspects of Buddhist ideology, spiritual advice, Buddhist logic, Tibetan history, and Tibetan literature etc. |
OL18151882W |
bod kyi srol rgyun rig gnas kyi rnam bshad rtog ge'i gzi mdangs
bkra shis zla ba |
Critical study on influence of Sanskrit translated literary texts on Tibetan literature and includes critics on Buddhist doctrines and logic. |
OL18151985W |
sham bha la'i cong sgra
1972 rang sad/ gcan rang sad |
Collected rituals practices for the propitiation of protective deities of Sa-skya-pa sect. |
OL18152416W |
phyi rgyal gyi tshad ma rig pa'i zhib 'jug
1958 ngag dbang bstan 'dzin/ yul nang ngag dbang bstan 'dzin |
Study on philosophical concepts in Buddhist epistemology interpreted by prominent Buddhist logicians and philosophers. Collection of contributed articles. |
OL18152544W |
sems sgron
chos bzang 'phrin las rgya mtsho |
Anthology of miscellaneous writings. |
OL18152635W |
Tshad ma rig paʼi gźuṅ lugs kyi ʼbyuṅ khuṅs daṅ deʼi gźuṅ don bcas gsal bar bśad pa rig paʼ…
ʼJigs-med-bsam-grub |
Study on the Buddhist logic and its origin and development. |
OL2313024W |
Mangala R. Chinchore |
Study of Buddhist logic with special reference to Vādanyāya, by Dharmakīrti, 7th cent. |
OL2602190W |
Bsdus grwaʼi legs bśad graṅs med skal bzaṅ gi blo gros kyi bod tshal bźad paʼi luṅ rigs kyi ñ…
Dge-ʼdun-rgya-mtsho Mkhan-chen |
Elementary Buddhist logic and dialectical studies. |
OL3439370W |
Pān̐ca Bauddha dārśanika
Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan |
On views of five Buddhist Nyāya philosophers on Buddhist logic; includes brief biographical sketches and a list of their works. |
OL347641W |
Arun Mishra |
Study, with text and translation of Antarvyāptisamarthana of Ratnākaraśānti, 11th cent., work on Buddhist logic. |
OL5976754W |