Mountain doctrine
Śes-rab-rgyal-mtshan Dol-po-pa |
"Translated here for the first time into any language, Mountain Doctrine, Ocean of Definitive Meaning: Final Unique Quintessential Instructions is a seminal fourteenth-century Tibetan text on the nat… |
OL1055131W |
Essential Buddhism
Maguire, Jack |
"Four hundred million people call themselves Buddhists today. Yet most Westerners know little about this powerful, Eastern-spawned faith. How did it begin? What do its adherents believe? Why are so m… |
OL1890434W |
Shōbō genzō
Dōgen Zenji,Eido Shimano |
A remarkable collection of essays, Shobogenzo, Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching, was composed in the thirteenth century by the Zen master Dogen, founder of the Soto Zen school in Japan. Through i… |
OL1963435W |
After buddhism
Stephen Batchelor |
"This original and provocative book presents a new framework for understanding the remarkable spread of Buddhism in today's globalized world. It also reminds us of what was so startling about the Bud… |
OL19665986W |
Approaching the Buddhist path
His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the XIV Dalai Lama |
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been publicly teaching Buddhism for decades. This series collects his presentations of every step of the path to enlightenment, compiled and coauthored by one of his c… |
OL19714663W |
Advice not given
Mark Epstein |
The Harvard-trained psychologist and author of The Trauma of Everyday Life explores how the traditions of Buddhism and Western psychotherapy can complement each other to promote a healthier ego and m… |
OL19729501W |
Everyday consciousness and primordial awareness
Thrangu Rinpoche |
This introduction to Buddhist psychology supplies essential instructions for successful meditation practice. It sets forth the nature of mind and human potential and presents meditation practices tha… |
OL19848699W |
Medicine & compassion
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche,David R. Shlim |
Even the most upbeat caregiver is susceptible to burnout and depression. Written by a medical doctor and a Tibetan monk and teacher, Medicine and Compassion taps Tibetan Buddhism for practical tools … |
OL24688969W |
True Love
Thích Nhất Hạnh |
Thich Nhat Hanh offers a Buddhist view of love along with techniques for manifesting it in our daily lives. In his characteristically direct, simple, and compassionate style, he explores the four key… |
OL263650W |
Basic teachings of the Buddha
Glenn Wallis,Gautama Buddha |
In Basic Teachings of the Buddha, Glenn Wallis selects sixteen essential dialogues drawn from more than five thousand Pali-dialect suttas of the Buddhist canon. The result is a vibrant introductory g… |
OL6214511W |
The Karmapa's Middle Way
Wangchuk Dorje |
"Marked by eloquent poetry, vigorous and extensive analysis, and heart instructions on breaking through the veils of confusion to independently experience the true nature of things, The Karmapa's Mid… |
OL9831623W |