Unbeaten tracks in Japan
Isabella L. Bird |
“So genial is its spirit, so enticing its narrative.”—New Englander and Yale Review (1881). The first recorded account of Japan by a Westerner, this 1878 book captures a lifestyle that has nearly van… |
OL1077888W |
Bugles and a tiger
John Masters |
John Masters whose military career in the Indian Army spanned two decades has written a thrilling account of the last days of the British Raj. Amidst the tensions of the civil disobedience movement … |
OL123581W |
Sin killer
Larry McMurtry |
"It is 1830, and the Berrybender family, rich, aristocratic, English, and fiercely out of place, is on its way up the Missouri River to see the American West as it begins to open up." "Accompanied by… |
OL134585W |
Louis de Bernières |
A funny and heartbreaking new book from one of Britain's favourite and bestselling writers.A Frenchman once pointed out to Louis de Bernieres that Britain was the most exotic country in Europe, addin… |
OL15171508W |
Riña de gatos
Eduardo Mendoza |
Un inglés llamado Anthony Whitelands llega a bordo de un tren al Madrid convulso de la primavera de 1936. Deberá autenticar un cuadro desconocido, perteneciente a un amigo de José Antonio Primo de Ri… |
OL15504297W |
Halfhyde and the guns of arrest
Philip McCutchan |
Royal Navy Lieutenant St Vincent Halfhyde is once again despatched to Africa. This time his mission is to help capture a British traitor who carries secret blueprints of British warships. Even the th… |
OL16956176W |
Not a Marrying Man Harlequin Presents
Miranda Lee |
40 year old British billionaire Warwick Kincaid likes to take risks -- though they don't include marriage and children. Twelve months is his limit when it comes to relationships.
Warwick asks beau… |
OL17566896W |
The Fishing Fleet
Anne de Courcy,Anne De Courcy |
"The fascinating and entertaining true stories of the young Victorian women on the hunt for husbands among the colonial businessmen and bureaucrats in the Raj"-- |
OL19708645W |
Concerning brave captains
D. J. M. Muffett |
Details Lord Lugard's military campaigns in Northern Nigeria at the turn of the century. |
OL20542002W |
White Mughals
William Dalrymple |
"James Achilles Kirkpatrick was the British Resident at the court of the Nizam of Hyderabad when in 1798 he glimpsed Khair un-Nissa - "Most Excellent among Women" - the great-niece of the Nizam's pri… |
OL2322471W |
Vagabond (The Grail Quest #2)
Bernard Cornwell |
In 1347, a year of conflict and unrest, Thomas of Hookton returns to England to pursue the Holy Grail. Among the flames of the Hundred Years War, a sinister enemy awaits the fabled archer and mercena… |
OL23316W |
Sharpe's Triumph
Bernard Cornwell |
E-book Extras: Bernard Cornwell On: The Origin of Richard Sharpe; Sharpe's Adventures; Sharpe's Trafalgar.The next installment in Bernard Cornwell’s wildly popular Sharpe series.Richard Sharpe and th… |
OL23317W |
La femme du bout du monde
Barbara Wood |
Un formidable destin de femme dans l'Australie du XIXe siècle. Angleterre, 1846. A la mort de son père, Hannah décide de quitter la Grande-Bretagne, qui n'offre alors aucune perspective aux femmes, e… |
OL24162835W |
Anna et le botaniste
Elizabeth McGregor |
Il y a dix ans, Anna mettait brutalement fin à son histoire d'amour avec David. Vivant mal cette rupture, David s'est jeté à corps perdu dans ses travaux scientifiques et dans l'écriture d'un livre s… |
OL24248354W |
Un hiver à Madrid
C. J. Sansom |
Roman d'espionnage. Roman d'amour. |
OL24421249W |
Pour le meilleur et pour l'empire
J. M. Hawes |
Brian Marley constate que sa vie est un fiasco. Un ancien ami de fac, producteur de télévision, lui propose de participer à un jeu de télé-réalité dans la jungle. Il accepte. Alors qu'il est sur le p… |
OL24438350W |
Ian McEwan |
Leonard Marnham is assigned to a British-American surveillance team in Cold War Berlin. His intelligence work, tunneling under a Russian communications center to tap the phone lines to Moscow, offers… |
OL28168579W |
SilverFin (Young Bond #1)
Charles Higson |
Prequel to the adventures of James Bond, 007, introduces the young James when he is just starting boarding school in England and is about to become involved in his first adventure. |
OL2821570W |
East winds, west winds
Mahdī ʻĪsá Ṣaqr |
Set among the oil wells of the Basra region of southern Iraq, where the writer spent much of his working life, this novel draws on the author's own experiences to paint a picture at once subtle and v… |
OL28945413W |
Winter in Madrid
C. J. Sansom |
A compelling thriller and love story set in post–Civil War Spain Fans of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's The Shadow of the Wind and Sebastian Faulks's Birdsong will fall in love with Winter in Madrid, the arrest… |
OL5734167W |