Effective short-term counselling within the primary care setting
Valerie Garrett |
xxiii, 220 p. ; 23 cm |
OL15526989W |
The role of brief therapy in attachment disorders
Lisa Wake |
"Provides a comprehensive summary of the range of approaches that exist within the brief therapy world, including Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitisati… |
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Becoming a solution detective
John Sharry |
"<EM>Becoming a Solution Detective</EM> is a practical, how-to guide for therapists, counselors, social workers, psychologists, nurses, and other professionals who are interested in making their prac… |
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The solution-focused helper
Trish Walsh |
Providing guidance on how to apply a version of solution-focused therapy tailored to the public service environment, this text also describes a range of real-life situations across a range of setting… |
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Interpretive and supportive psychotherapies
Anthony S., Ph.D. Joyce,Hassan F. A. Azim,Mary McCallum,John S. Ogrodniczuk |
In this book, the authors offer a framework for making short-term psychodynamic therapy easier, quicker, and more effective. Short-term dynamic therapies differ widely in objectives and techniques. A… |
OL20810937W |