Brain injury survival kit
Cheryle Sullivan |
Over 1.4 million people sustain a brain injury each year in the United States. Add to that the number of returning veterans with a brain injury and the numbers are staggering. The Brain Injury Surviv… |
OL11930007W |
Phineas Gage
John Fleischman,John Fleischman |
Phineas Gage was truly a man with a hole in his head. A railroad construction foreman, Phineas was blasting rock near Cavendish, Vermont, in 1848 when a thirteen-pound iron rod was shot through his b… |
OL12119486W |
Les anneaux de Bicêtre
Georges Simenon |
René Maugras, maître d'un empire de presse, se réveille à l'hôpital, hémiplégique, victime d'un accident cérébral lors d'un dîner d'affaires ... |
OL1242818W |
"Dann mache ich mir einen Plan!"
Ulrike Klaue,Sandra Verena Müller,Sandy Harth |
Planerisches Denken wird in der Regel als eine Teilfunktion der sogenannten Exekutivfunktionen (EF) gesehen. Patienten mit Störungen des planerischen Denkens bereitet das mentale Durchspielen mehrere… |
OL149324W |
Guitar boy
Mary Jane Auch |
After his mother is severely injured in an accident and his father kicks him out of the house, thirteen-year-old Travis attempts to survive on his own until he meets a guitar maker and some musicians… |
OL15043359W |
Somebody, please tell me who I am
Harry Mazer |
Wounded in Iraq while his Army unit is on convoy and treated for many months for traumatic brain injury, the first person Ben remembers from his earlier life is his autistic brother. |
OL16604556W |
Mad skills
Walter Greatshell |
After Maddy Grant suffers brain damage in an accident, scientists at the Braintree Institute decide to use a new technology to repair the injury. But repairing Maddy's brain isn't the only thing they… |
OL16629535W |
Healing suicidal veterans
Montgomery, Victor III |
"There are 24.5 million military veterans in the United States; Seventeen of them each day will take their own lives. Homelessness. Alcohol and drug abuse. Unemployment. Domestic violence. Minds plag… |
OL16686340W |
Vision rehabilitation
Penelope S. Suter,Lisa H. Harvey |
"Providing all of the necessary information required to provide post-acute vision rehabilitative care following brain injury, this multidisciplinary book bridges the gap between theory and practice a… |
OL16973354W |
More than sorrow
Vicki Delany |
Hannah Manning was once an internationally renowned journalist and war correspondent; today she's a woman suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Unable to concentrate, full of pain, and haunted by … |
OL17725761W |
The brain's way of healing
Norman Doidge |
"The New York Times bestselling author of The Brain That Changes Itself presents astounding advances in the treatment of brain injury and illness. In The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge desc… |
OL17867374W |
The lost and forgotten languages of Shanghai
Ruiyan Xu |
A happy and successful businessman, dining in a Shanghai hotel, is badly injured by a gas explosion in the building. In the aftermath, the formerly bilingual Li Jin is only able to speak the falterin… |
OL17915670W |
Intracranial pressure and neuromonitoring in brain injury
A. Baethmann,A. Marmarou,D. Becker,R. Bullock |
xvi, 430 pages : 29 cm |
OL18797143W |
Bringing Nettie back
Nancy Hope Wilson |
Eleven-year-old Clara's life is enriched by her friendship with the vibrant Nettie, whose family is so different from her own, but then a serious brain condition threatens to change Nettie forever. |
OL1883072W |
Coping with concussion and mild traumatic brain injury
Diane Roberts Stoler |
A comprehensive guide to improving mental clarity and quality of life in the aftermath of a concussion draws on the expertise of a neuropsychologist and concussion survivor to counsel patients and ca… |
OL19708328W |
The perpetual now
Michael D. Lemonick |
"In the aftermath of a shattering illness, Lonni Sue Johnson lives in a "perpetual now," where she has almost no memories of the past and a nearly complete inability to form new ones. The Perpetual N… |
OL20046492W |
Management of adults with traumatic brain injury
David B. Arciniegas |
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health issue of worldwide proportions, affecting motorists, victims of interpersonal violence, athletes, military service members, and Veterans, among others.… |
OL20547797W |
Denyse Théberge-Rousselet |
Ce récit sur le combat d'un jeune ayant subi un traumatisme crânien sévère. Il décrit avec sensibilité le long processus de réadaptation. L'auteure, mère de ce jeune, décrit les séquelles et les impa… |
OL24255928W |
Million plus one
Hughes, David |
Doctors called him 'the amazing man', consultants called him 'one in a million' and many others called him 'a blooming miracle'! On 4 August 2005 David Hughes fell while pruning a tree, and a scaffol… |
OL24286096W |
A Boy Called Hopeless
David Melton |
Fifteen-year-old Mary Jane describes her family's reactions when they discover that her younger brother is brain injured and their decision to participate in a program of rehabilitation together. |
OL2673636W |