The big, beautiful, brown box
Larry Dane Brimner |
The Corner Kids all have different ideas about how to use a big box, but then they find that working together is the best idea of all. |
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Kendra Kandlestar and the box of whispers
Lee Edward Fodi |
For over a thousand years, the Box of Whispers has guarded the most precious treasure in the Land of Een. So, when the Box is suddenly stolen, an unlikely crew is assembled to travel into the wilds o… |
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Colin and the snoozebox
Leigh Hodgkinson |
When he takes a nap in a cardboard box, Colin the cat is packaged and shipped to doorsteps all over the world, startling unsuspecting people--all of whom do not want a cat! |
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Hui fei de xiang zi
Søren Jessen |
Ruiqi hides himself in cardboard box. The box unexpectedly flies high in to the sky. |
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La caja de los agujeros
Carmen Gil |
La mama de Andrea no comprende que utilidad puede tener una caja vacia y llena de agujeros, pero su hija esta contentisima con su nueva adquisicion. ℗ŁY no es para menos! Cuando destapa la caja, la n… |
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Une boîte pour ma fête
Leslie Patricelli |
Pour son anniversaire, un garçonnet encore aux couches reçoit un chien en peluche. Or, l'énorme boîte dans laquelle il est emballé devient elle-même un fabuleux cadeau : elle permet en effet au prota… |
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