How to talk to a borderline
Joan Lachkar |
"In How to Talk to a Borderline, Joan Lachkar introduces Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and outlines the challenges and difficulties it presents to clinicians. She expands current understandin… |
OL15488431W |
Stop walking on eggshells
Mason, Paul T. M.S. |
"This comprehensive and supportive self-help guide helps family and friends of individuals with BPD understand this self-destructive disorder and learn what they can do to cope with BPD behavior and … |
OL15840164W |
Skills-Training bei Borderline- und Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung
Alice Sendera,Martina Sendera,Daniela Loisl,Rudolf Puchner |
Das Buch verbindet Theorie und Praxis des Skills-Trainings nach der Dialektisch Behavioralen Therapie (DBT). Die Autorinnen geben einen Überblick über Diagnostik, Problembereiche, Neurobiologie und T… |
OL16362300W |
Group schema therapy for borderline personality disorder
Joan M. Farrell |
"Group Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder represents the first treatment manual for group schema therapy and is based on the only group ST model validated by published empirical evide… |
OL16540673W |
The everything guide to borderline personality disorder
Constance M. Dolecki |
Borderline personality disorder's bouts of violence and anger coupled with desperate and fixated love make it a traumatic and emotional rollercoaster for all those involved with it. Here is the profe… |
OL16662742W |
Essential papers on borderline disorders
Michael H. Stone |
The book is divided into sections with seminal papers from each decade. The preface of each section, written by the editor, places each paper in it's historical context and making for a fascinating s… |
OL18252457W |
P. Chadwick |
Presents a study of psychosis written by someone who has both experienced and researched it formally. Professional psychologist Peter Chadwick draws upon his own personal experience of madness to pro… |
OL19831968W |
Managing intense emotions and overcoming self-destructive habits
Lorraine Bell |
This self-help manual for those who meet the diagnosis of 'emotionally unstable' or 'borderline personality disorder'(BPD) outlines a brief intervention based on a model of treatment known to be effe… |
OL19885475W |
Polarity in motion
Brenda Vicars |
Fifteen-year-old Polarity Weeks just wants to live a normal life, but with a mother diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, that's rarely easy. Her life gets exponentially more disastrous whe… |
OL24721245W |
Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide for You and Your Relationship
Julie Griffiths |
If Borderline Personality Disorder Makes You Jump to Conclusions, This Might Help.
More than 4 million people suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in the US. It's a serious issue that… |
OL25728993W |
Through the looking glass
Dana Becker |
"This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between gender, the experience of psychological distress that we currently call borderline personality disorder, and the borderline d… |
OL2641322W |
I'm not supposed to be here
Rachel Reiland |
xiv, 346 p. ; 23 cm |
OL5751189W |